Bran tells Jon Everything Season 8 Episode 1 Leaked (Spoilers)Game Of Thrones (Spoilers



  1. Hi 'ReviewMovies'!
    Thanks for this video, it was interesting.
    I hope you don't mind if I make a couple of comments on your video, technically…
    Firstly, I think it would be better if you lowered the volume level of the music compared to the voice track, it would be easier to understand.
    Secondly, I think it would be better if you entered some of the names into the script phonetically, rather than as they are actually spelled, your computer-voice programme doesn't seem to be able to cope with some of the names.
    For example, your computer-voice calls Jamie- 'Hymie', so maybe if you entered it as 'Djamey' the computer would pronounce it correctly. Also – Daenerys, maybe enter it as 'Daneyris', etc. If you go through the names and play with spellings until the computer-voice pronounces them correctly it would be time well spent. Then go ahead and use that spelling in all your computer-voiced scripts. Don't forget, we can't see how you spell things in the script!
    I look forward to more of your videos.


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