Bran’s time-travel ability is more powerful than anyone thought and it has huge implications for Westeros. Can he change the passage of time? What does the Night King’s touch mean? Will Coldhands finally make an appearance? Beware: show spoilers within!



  1. In my opinion this season is as shitty as the fifth season if not more. I mean does noone see that the showrunners arent doing anything special? They are just completing fan theories. There is no good storytelling in that. they are rushing things more than ever tbh. Also people believe bran is bran the builder which is ridiculous. Bran cant be another stark that may or may not have lived. But lets get one thing straight, Bran is NOT a timetraveller! He can LOOK into the past yes but that does not mean he can literally be there physically. People just think in their heads that just because the NIGHTS KING touched him that applies for everyone in the entire fucking world. The nights king is old and powerful, even more so than bloodraven. Bran is and will be through this show only a kid. To compare this theory there is only one more example you can compare it with and thats the Varys being a mermaid theory. "sigh" i was looking forward to sixth season cause i hoped the showrunners had learned from their horrible mistake that is fifth season. But no. they have proven that they are not capable of doing this without georges books. Even George himself has said he doesnt like what they are doing. I hope winds of winter comes out soon though. I am calling it, people will end up only remembering s1-s4 and probably not talk much about s5 and up after the hype has settled.

  2. Did Littlefinger say "time to join the fray" or "time to join the Frey"?
    Might the six flayed bodies on the crosses be the Boltons & the Karstarks, killed by Stark sympathisers as a welcome back to Winterfell?
    How is Bran to blame for Hodor's fate, when he was brought to that specific time & place by the Three-eyed Crow who must have visited there before if he knew where & when to go?
    As the Three-eyed Crow has been projecting into different times and places for decades, if Bran continues to do so they may run into each other a fair bit.

  3. Don't blame Bran on everything. He had no motivation to talk to Mad King Aerys, because he was before Bran's time. Based upon other people's theories, the Three-Eyed-Raven may have attempted to warn the Mad King about the white walkers and failed. He stopped trying to mess with history and tried to vaguely discouraged Bran from doing so. The Three Eyed Raven wanted to die and end his misery, so he wanted Bran to take over as soon as possible. Getting the Night's King into the cave was his plan.

    Benjen will save Meera and Bran. Coldhands got the Benioff and Weiss axe.

  4. Dear GameSpot, I'm currently one video away of unsubscribing your channel. Please stop putting in my feed thumbnails containing too many spoilers either by image alone or a simple text.

    The next theory, recap or any kind of talk about game of thrones that implies content or context that you deprive me from experiencing by way of click baiting thumbnails I will unsubscribe.

    best regards
    – a consumer

  5. Bran is the Builder..the 13th lord commander(nights king)…azor ahai..the prince that was promised…talked to Ned at his execution(watch that scene again Ned looks up and hes not looking for Arya)

  6. Can someone explain to me what this lady meant by Brand killed summer and spring or something when she was talking about the children of the forest is it like each one holds the life force of every season or some shit?

  7. i think we are seeing what bran already did in a different perspective or different angle, everything he already changed is already in place and now we are getting to see how everything came in to place that's what i think. for example with hodor we see what happened to him when bran changed the past, but at the same time we are seeing hodor already affected by the hold the door command, is kinda confusing, but the time travel already took place and now we are seeing the effects of the changes in the past in the show. So bran already changed the past now we are seeing the events that let to that or something like that. feel free to add or change my theory i want to read other theories 🙂

  8. All magic will die by the end of the show. Dragons, Children of the Forrest, dire wolves, giants, and all magic that people use. In the books the Children tell Bran that magic is in its final throws. Just like the dire wolves are dying off so are the Children and magic.


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