News about Game Of Thrones Season 8 has been pilling up like crazy! Lets discuss the fact that Winterfell’s wall have been rebuilt, Emilia dying her hair blonde and the LATEST news concerning the Game Of Thrones Prequel/Spin-off series! I also quickly discuss a theory about Jon Snow aka Aegon Targaryen and Danerys Targaryen!


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  1. Isn't it common knowledge that Danaerys was born on Dragon stone after they fled kings landing. And her mother died during child birth. Therefore it is impossible for Jon and Dany to be siblings. She is his aunt. She is the younger sister of Jon's father.

  2. Jon Snow is not a God Damn Firewhite! Dani will get pregnant but will die during childbirth! He will have to hide that fact and the last thing everyone will see is Jon telling his son that "One day I will tell you about your mother" . Giving the bittersweet ending that GRRM is and has been talking about. Take the foil off for the Gods sake

  3. I think it would make since that Winterfell will be reinforced before the battle, and I believe that the Night king will be killed, and when this happens it will be like killing dracula, so in essence once he is killed all the other wights, and the white walkers will be killed as well, so with the night king dead, along with his followers and army, there will be no need for the Wall, and Winter will be shorter, and in the end it will be House Stark and House Targaryen who are left to rule, and I do not think the North will want to be ruled by a Targaryen or Southerner again

  4. Ok, Targs bang man. Nothing new. I wish Jon/Aegon would bang Sansa while he's at it. And as far as I'm concerned Daeny speaks of lemon tree and a red door. Is her brother Verserys lied to her to make believe things that weren't real. Like Raeghar liked to fight etc. Also I don't think that Jon/Aegon and Daeny are brother and sister.

  5. Description (update): News about Games of Thrones Season 8 has been piling up for the crazy!
    Sorry little buddy .. but when you try to live off of the accomplishments of others .. you are not only mentally lame .. you are mentally ill.

  6. Was anyone else her kinda mad they used the same reveal 2 seasons in a row, finale of 6 we find out Jon is targaryen, and finale of 7 we find out..that….Jon is a..targaryen oh…… Some bullshit

  7. The reason Dany will be pregnant is because of Mirry Mazz dor's curse on Dany. Only Death pays for life, right before Drogon, Viserion, & Rhaegal are born her son Raegho died, Drogo died and Mirry the witch. Three deaths paid for the lives of her dragons which is why she will be able to get pregnant now because Viserion is dead; again only Death pays for life. It's no Targaryen fire magic lol, it's just the dynamics of the curse and how it works and I do believe Jon will marry Dany, especially because he doesn't want to leave his child as a bastard.

  8. A lot of Hollywood is satanic and likes to bash on Christians and corrupt the stories in the Bible. When you were talking about Dany being barren, it was kinda reminding me of Mary being a virgin and having a baby when people didn't think she should have been able to. Just sayin, it sounds like another corruption of a story in the Bible.. The duality of Christians and Luciferians is getting kinda boring.

  9. I don't think so about the bro/sis theory. We already have that with Cersi and Jamie. I don't think the writers would want to repeat that. I think the writers decided to go the Aunt/nephew route which still stays with the writings in the book keeping the blood lines of Targaryians pure, without being redundant. Having Brian Cogman in the prequels will be awesome.

  10. That Danny/Jon twins ..i have thinking that theory and i believe that will still exist …Jon bangs his twin sister ….would make more sense than bang his aunty..And i believe and the pregnansy/child theory going to happen…I think also the first target of the NK will be Winterfell..there is something who make him to attracted by Winterfell ….I think Sansa will die by the hands of the NK and will be resurrected as his NQ…that will be a nice ironical twist …because she always have wants to be someones queen .What do you think;

  11. Jonand Dondarrion are NOT fire wights.a wight is a RE-ANIMATED CORPSE…Jon and Beric were RESURRECTED, not re-animated. There is a distinct difference. jon and Beric breathe…Their hearts beat. They bleed. And, apparently can reproduce.
    A better term…because they are ALIVE…would be FIRE WALKERS.

  12. I have a theory that Daenerys will lose a battle. We know that the Dothraki let their hair grow as long as they win battles. She might need to cut her hair. Then they could use Emilia's own hair.


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