actor Charles Dance, known for his portrayal of Lannister patriarch Tywin in the HBO series, spoke out in favour of a new vote on the withdrawal deal during a London rally. During the event, organised by the People’s Vote campaign, saw other prominent anti-Brexit figures such as Lord Heseltine and Tory rebel Anna Soubry take the stage to speak in favour of a new vote. Mr Dance urged Remain campaigners to continue pressuring the Government to be given the chance to vote on the Brexit agreement before leaving the

The Game of Thrones actor said: “So many of the things we value, so many of the great steps forwards we have taken seemed impossible until they happened.

“The NHS was called a pipe dream, the establishment voted against it 21 times. The fight went on until a final vote made it real. Peace in Northern Ireland was a moon-shot, it could never be until some brave leaders took a chance on peace, and people north and south voted for progress.

“Votes for women, civil partnerships, devolution for and Wales, the movement against Fascism and Apartheid – often opposed by the powerful but made real by the people.”

He continued: “We came and stood in the rain together, marched together, sang together, fought together.


“And now we fight again for our families, for our communities, for our children because we want our future back. It is time for the people’s vote on the Brexit deal.”

“Everything is impossible until we make it happen.”

Despite repeatedly dismissing demands for a second referendum, International Trade Secretary suggested a popular vote on the final Brexit deal may be on the cards,

Dr Fox, who backed Leave during the 2016 referendum, said on Tuesday: ““For those who want another referendum, let us be very clear: the one thing that will not be on offer in any further referendum, just as it was not in the last one, is the status quo, inside the European Union.”

Mr Fox urged Britons to back a Brexit deal without a backstop on the border, further hinting Mrs May is capable of getting a better deal for the UK after she was forced to postpone the “meaningful vote” on the proposed agreement due to growing dissent from the Conservative benches.

The Prime Minister headed to Brussels on Tuesday to plead with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte and German Chancellor for their support before asking for further concessions from European Commissioner Jean-Claude Juncker and EU Council boss Donald Tusk. 

Leading EU figures have claimed this will be her “last shot” at negotiations – despite Mr Juncker stating weeks ago this was the only available deal for Mrs May.

Speaking at a session of the European Parliament, the top Eurocrat said: “We have achieved the best deal possible. It’s the only deal possible. There is no room whatsoever for further renegotiation.”

Sky News deputy political editor Beth Rigby is reporting that the required number of Tory MPs have submitted letters of no confidence in Theresa May’s leadership.

She cited a source in the pro-Brexit (ERG) as saying they were “confident” 48 letters had now been sent.

However, ERG members have previously claimed that 48 letters had been submitted to Graham Brady, chairman of the backbench 1922 committee.

It later emerged some Tory MPs had said they had submitted letters when in fact they hadn’t.



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