Brienne vs The Hound Fight Review! (Game of Thrones Season 4)



  1. minor note on your camera setup, the shadows on the wall behind you and the corner really fuck with the look because it seems at a glance that you have 3 separate screens behind you

  2. The spinning bothers me so much, that's one thing lord of the rings got right, the fights there are not the most historically accurate but at least they don't spin, I've seen those movies many times and I don't remember any spinning, in the main fights at least

  3. about @19:15 – I think i remember a vid from Loyd where he extends on a historical text to take on downed enemies in a certain manner, because these are not easy to get rid of without dangering yourself. mabe a topic for a follow up vid? 🙂

  4. Matt, Matt Matt … can you let the scene run in full then review it bit by bit…. otherwise you make many lose interest by stopping/starting the action…. go with the flow my friend, flow!!

  5. Hello Matt, could you do a review of battle scenes in 'Maria the virgin witch' aka 'Junketsu no Maria' ? Skallagrim claimed it's one of the most realistic and historically accurate battles and equipment he ever seen and I recently watched that show and I agree with his opinion, but you're the expert of this stuff so it would be very interesting to hear your opinion.

  6. One of the things I like about this fight is the believable and compelling emotional reactions of the characters, especially Birenne. As the fight goes on she gets increasingly desperate and angry, until it comes to a head and she lets loose in a win-or-die moment of fury. Great stuff.

  7. (Relating to movies showing helmetless fights) People throughout history customised the hell out of their armour, from horse hair crests and bright paint on hoplites to logos and slogans drawn on camouflage covers in 'nam. It could be very easy for filmmakers to make it obvious what's happening in a fight. The audience isn't going to confuse a guy with a fiery demon painted on his visor and the guy with the blue wavy patterns for example.

  8. I do see how the fighting scenes are also telling a story in movies instead of making sound fighting techniques.
    The Hound attacks, Brienne blocks showing that she is as skilled as the hound.
    Brienne retreats to a better position because she knows she will be in a tough fought so she needs better fighting space.
    The Hound punches Brienne in the face because he is a tough brute, that doesn't need rely on his sword ( notice in movies it's never the smaller good guys using his firsts always the bigger ones)
    Lots of shaky cam so the audience couldn't tell that they're not real sword fighters.
    Brienne punches back, because girl power. She is as tough as the hound.
    Lots of sword exchanges Brienne runs away a little because the Hound is fearsome.
    The brute Hound punches again but Brienne was able to pick herself up then blocks and made a ( you see i'm just as good as you ) face.
    Brienne took the Hounds sword away showing that she bested the hound but she is an honorable woman so she wouldn't kill him while for the Hound is fight is not over ,yet, he doesn't need his sword so he takes it away and they continue on fighting.
    The Hound brings a dagger to a first fight because he's dishonorable ( not because it makes sense)
    Brienne punches the Hound numerous times on the face because he is a tough guy that needs multiple blows to wither down his HP.

    Every move they make is to tell a story not actually to defeat their opponents is why fights drag on like this.

  9. Ah, they used to yell at me for using face coverings in theatre. I think it's a very old traditional acting thing. Unless there's an explicit reason for it given from the director (usually to do with hiding an actor's identity), faces have to be seen.

  10. With regard to your comment about no one wearing helmets in Hollywood, this is true.  BUT, a program out of the United Kingdom called "The Hollow Crown", and subtitled "The Wars of the Roses" written by some hack writer named Shakespeare had their soldiers wearing Sallet Helmets.  These protected the bulk of the head, the sides and neck of said head, but left the face completely free to emote.  I found while watching it that it was easier to imagine them wearing faceplates (ala The KnyghtErrant) then it is watching Game of Thrones and imagining the actors in it wearing helmets.  Couldn't they have done something like that?

    Also, I would say that Brienne made one mistake in her fight with the Hound.  At one point she knocks him for six with a good hit to the head AND SHE BACKS OFF, to let him recover before making another attack.  Stupid!  When your opponent is down, strike him, and strike him as hard as you can.  Never given the other guy a chance to recover in a fight of live and death.

  11. Great video, as usual. I have a side question, while I am a big fan of many of these videos and the other channels that are similar to it (lindybeige, skallagrim, thegnthrand, ect.) but I wish there was this sort of community that talked more about naval subjects. as some one who sails and wants to learn more about naval history. Maybe I have not found that community or it does not exist. If I cant though I wonder if any of you guys would make some videos about that subject.


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