Game of Thrones 5×06, Game of Thrones Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken 00:00 – Ah! – Drop your weapons! 00:11 I am Obara Sand. 00:14 Daughter of Oberyn …



  1. People hate on this storyline and scene. I don't think it's that bad but it does annoy me what they did with Bronn. I can understand Jaime struggling to be able to hold them off but Bronn? They gave him the big build up like he could go toe 2 toe with the hound, killed ser vardis etc & he can't even beat these jokers…

  2. when you man says "When you were whole, it would have been a good fight" how much better would it have been if Jamie replied "If I were whole, I would have killed you and all your men by now"

  3. I f#cking hate sheep with all my heart. The bandwagon hate is a very powerful tool, and one that has butchered many decent movies and TV shows. Stop exaggerating, people, this is okay and the show has NEVER had good writing. The last few episodes have been absolute shit in terms of writing and no one bats an eye, yet the sheep have massacred the Dorne story when in reality, it's just as shitty as almost the rest of the show.

  4. no no no NO!! the sand snakes looks like they usually are in a show at Disney Channel, and just decided to come to the GOT show and think they can act the same way!!! SABOTAGE!!


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