It’s Saturday. Do you know where your kids are? They’re probably with you, because everyone’s stuck inside because there’s a virus raging around the world and one’s allowed to go out.

But happily, we’re here to entertain you. This week on Take the Black Live, we talk about everything from A to Z, or at least E to V. We’re not gods. Watch below!

Here are some of the topics on this week’s agenda:

Finally, we get into a pretty robust discussion of everything worth watching during quarantine. Westworld is always good for a meaty theory discussion, and Devs might be even better. Also, I know it’s not our normal beat, but we had to discuss Tiger King on Netflix for a second. I mean, have you seen it?

The Take the Black Podcast is on iTunes and Google Play! Please subscribe and download from there if you can. Also, you can help us out by giving us a five-star rating and leaving a friendly comment! We’re also now on Spreaker, so try us there, as well.

We’ll be back next week with more news you can use…assuming you have a use for news and discussion about dorky movies and TV. See you Wednesdays at 4:00 p.m. on our Facebook page!

Next: Take the Black Live: Light at the end of the Coronavirus tunnel?

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