Since her bestselling debut Sexual Personae, Camille Paglia has been one of our most audacious cultural critics, probing sex and beauty in art, literature, and media. In her first book in seven years, Glittering Images: A Journey Through Art from Egypt to Star Wars, Paglia takes on the visual arts. Acting as art historian and provocateur, Paglia threads together historical context with some of Western art’s most important works, focusing on such vastly disparate mediums as an Egyptian tomb, French rococo interiors, and performance art. In classic Paglia fashion, her conclusions—that the avant-garde tradition is dead and that director George Lucas is the world’s greatest living artist—astonish and challenge her audience.



  1. I'll sum it up with the words of my ex boss and I totally agreed with him… "This Generation has no Grit…"

    The words of a self made multimillionaire I've worked with… "These kids want all the fucking Glory and NONE of the GRIND!"

    I truly fear for our future, we have a generation of ingrates that are going to demolish Western Civilization, through indolence / Spinelessness / Self-indulgence / Self-importance and entitlement.

    300 Years if Nation Building / Reformation and Enlightenment down the fucking drain.

  2. What generation does she mean when she keeps saying "this generation?" Does she mean anyone younger than her? Late GenX and younger? 30 and under only? Genuinely curious.

  3. Yes, with her writing in "Sexual Personae" She really makes you sense the continuing deep and residual influences of Egypt (for example) and people are organically connected ages and civilizations long ago.

  4. Poor teaching can turn the mind completely inward (like an eyeball that has been forced to turn inside the skull).

    Thereby dissolving a concrete sense of the reality of the past or any palpable connection with history.

    We are historical and organic and natural. This should blow our minds . . . but most of the education system seems bored with the glory of Man.

  5. What is our generation's struggle? Duh, your generation's unprincipled, hands off, coddling and undignified way of raising us! Also, your generation's stifling and tyrannically enforced niceness, and aversion to independent thought and religion! (aka: political correctness) It should be pretty clear from where Camille is sitting that she's the person from her generation that managed to stay sane while the rest are content with either guiding us down this ridiculous path or staying quiet about how backwards this all is. Perhaps she is under some illusion that she's still a part of the mainstream or something?

    Part of this is that we now have to become smart enough to teach the adults, teachers and parents what it really means to be adults, teachers and parents after being given the wobbly base of them being our guidance… That's probably why it's still somewhat slow in becoming an overly visible revolution.

    Where's all the people doing idiotic gestures like jumping into pools fully clothed? Dying out hopefully…


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