Can Bran time travel and change the past?

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  1. Awesome videos! I agree that anything Bran experiences in the past is actually Bran's present. Although we can't move through time, it is not a straight line, it's a loop. So it's Bran's present, but it's already happened in the past and has already created the future they know. Hodor is the perfect example. Hodor was changed in his past long before Bran was born, yet In the present Bran travels back and possibly causes Hodor's condition. Since Hodor has been like this since before Bran was born Bran wasn't changing the past, he was always a part of it.

    However, I'm not totally convinced that it was actually Bran who did this to Hodor. Hodor was essential to Bran becoming the 3ER. After the "hold the door" episode many people see this as Hodor's ultimate purpose, but it's not. Without Hodor Bran would never have made it to the cave. If Hodor was never effected he might not have even been at Winterfell when Bran needed him. He could have been a great warrior, he could have gone south with either Ned or Rob.

    Also, the 3ER was also in the vision. Is this present 3ER or past 3ER? Or maybe both were there? 3ER says he's been waiting for Bran since before he was born. Could he have foreseen all this and the role Hodor would play? It seems like he has. Is he the one who did it to Hodor? Maybe he could somehow gain easier access with Bran in the vision because of Bran's bond with Hodor (already having skin changed into him several times). I'm not saying this is definitely what happened, just that we can't be totally sure that it was solely Bran responsible. Especially since the 3ER is super shady.

    As for the Aerys II theory, I have always hated it. Bran believes he is responsible for brain fucking Hodor. I find it to be a real long shot that he would decide to go back and whisper to Aerys II after seeing how disastrous this was for Hodor. Also, why would he need to contact Aerys? There was no one to burn back then. The others hadn't been noticed yet and dead bodies weren't rising as wights. Even if Bran somehow ended up in the past with Aerys he knows how insane Aerys was and whispering "burn them all" would seem like the worst possible choice of words. And now Bran is the 3ER and he has this great perspective because he can see everything, which makes him even less likely to go fuck with Aerys. It also give him the knowledge that he cannot actually change the past.

  2. That was a great video, I love quantum physics. I study the Bible on a daily basis and prophecy and interdimensionality are the glue that holds it together. I also love to follow CERN and Fermilab. There is so much more than our 3 dimensional eyes can fathom ♥

  3. I want to ask a question.
    Bran is a warg as well as a Greenseer.

    Warg: he can control any living being & get inside his body for somwtime.
    Greenseer: He can watch Past present & future of anyone, anytime & anywhere, condition is he has to be in contact with a Heart Tree(Weirwood Tree)

    So my question is (in reference to "Hold the Door" episode)
    if he can only greensee while in contact with weirwood tree, (& also he was warging), but when White walkers & deads attcked his keep, how he was able to greensee while moving, he was not in contct with any weirwood tree?
    Please Reply

  4. Crazy thought. What if Bran is the reason why the show is different than the books? What if at the end of the books, Bran decides to change stuff, and it explains that the changes he makes, will lead to the events we see in the show happen, instead of the events in the books?

  5. the first time Bran went back to the tower of joy and called out his father's name, he was with Bloodraven. The second time he went to see the end of the story, he started the vision right before young Ned looked back. This time he didn't call out to his father and neither was there the Bloodraven accompanying him because in "present time" he was already dead. so neither Bran nor the Bloodraven are in a constant loop where they are always part of the past that they visit, even though the consequence of their previous visit (Ned looking back), remained unchanged – if indeed Ned looking back was a consequence of their previous visit. As Bloodraven said, for all we know Ned could have just heard something in the wind. Likewise, maybe young Wylis had a prophecy of his death, which caused so much shock that he never recovered. We don't know for sure whether Brandon's presence in the past was essential in causing this to happen.

  6. The time dimension thing is like a video —- we all know what it's like to watch a video for the first time, but we also realize that the video has already been made, already "happened" in the past – and no matter how many times we watch the video, it will always have the same outcome

  7. +bridge4

    What's interesting is to think about the concept of a "prophecy" from the perspective of a being with godlike or 5th-dimensional abilities.

    A prophecy isn't a prediction; it is knowledge of the future. The godlike being isn't predicting that the events will happen; he has already witnessed them, and therefore knows that they will happen. To him, they are facts; he must have the knowledge of what will happen before he can formulate it as a "prophecy".

    Due to temporal constraints and the constancy of one's linear experience of time, the human mind can only reconcile prophetic "knowledge" as a prediction. But it's not a prediction; it's not a suggestion or a hypothesis ("this is what I think's probably going to happen"); it's a report, a set of facts as concrete as any recollection of past events.

    Therefore, I suspect that in the end the Azor Ahai prophecy may be revealed as a story that has, from Bran's perspective, already happened. Having witnessed the story of the Long Night and the heroes who arose, Bran brings that knowledge to the past and whispers it in someone's ear. To the witness of this "prophecy", it is a story about the future; to Bran, it is a story about the past.

    Maybe that's also why there's two branches to the prophetic story: on one hand, Azor Ahai has already come once. On the other, he has yet to come, or will come again. Both are true: for Bran, Azor Ahai has already come; for the first witness of the "prophecy", Azor Ahai has yet to come; and for the humans who pass the story on, through the generations, it is reconciled as both a coming and a second coming.

  8. imagine if the three eyed Raven and the children of the forest are just stirring and trying to cause a war to fill brans head with doom and the nights king has other plans that aren't as evil and he grabbed brans arm not to hurt him but to talk he saw bran long enough to swing a sword or stab him but he didn't he grabbed his arm

  9. I've always wondered if Martin borrowed from the idea of "Eternal Recurrence", which is a sort of theory/ belief based on the idea that when the world reaches a certain point, it resets. Though I imagine with remnants of the previous world still remaining in this scenario. I haven't dived too deep into the idea as of yet. Have to read through the history book some more.

    But it's a thought for you if you're interested in checking it out.

  10. based on your theory that the past can't be changed, why did the three-eyed raven try to stop bran from yelling. was it just because "He knew he had to"? Also, If the three eyed raven traveled to that exact point before bran arrived at the tree would he be able to see himself/bran there and know that he needs to try to stop him from saying anything?

  11. World of Warcraft has a pretty cool interpretation of time and predeterminism. Consider time as an hour glass not a clock. Each grain of sand is an event; each time you turn the glass over each grain of sand passes through the middle but in a different order.

  12. "You must follow me carefully. I shall have to controvert one or two ideas that are almost universally accepted. The geometry, for instance, they taught you at school is founded on a misconception.

    You know of course that a mathematical line, a line of thickness NIL, has no real existence. Neither has a mathematical plane. These things are mere abstractions.

    Nor, having only Length, Breadth, and Thickness, can a (mathematically described) cube have a real existence. Can a cube that does not last for any Time at all, have a REAL existence?

    Clearly, any real body must have extension in FOUR directions: it must have Length, Breadth, Thickness, and: Duration.

    There are really FOUR dimensions, three which we call the three planes of Space, and a fourth; TIME.

    There is, however, a tendency to draw an unreal distinction between the former three dimensions and the latter, because it happens that our consciousness moves intermittently in one direction along the latter from the beginning to the end of our lives.

    Now, it is very remarkable that this is so extensively overlooked.

    Really this is what is meant by the Fourth Dimension, though some people who talk about the Fourth Dimension do not know they mean it. It is only another way of looking at Time. THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TIME AND ANY OF THE THREE DIMENSIONS OF SPACE EXCEPT THAT OUR CONSCIOUSNESS MOVES ALONG IT.

    Well, I do not mind telling you I have been at work upon this geometry of Four Dimensions for some time. Some of my results are curious.

    For instance; here is a portrait of a man at eight years old, another (of the same man) at fifteen, another at seventeen, another at twenty-three, and so on. All these are evidently sections, as it were; Three-Dimensional representations of his Four-Dimensioned being, which is a fixed and unalterable thing.

    Scientific people know very well that Time is only a kind of Space.

    Here is a popular scientific diagram: a Weather Record. This line I trace with my finger (upon the paper) shows the movement of the barometer. Yesterday it was so high, yesterday night it fell, then this morning it rose again, and so gently upward to here. Surely the mercury did not trace this line in any of the dimensions of Space generally recognized? But certainly it traced such a line, and that line, therefore, we must conclude, was along the Time-Dimension.

    We are always getting away from the present moment. Our mental existences, which are immaterial and have no dimensions, are passing along the Time-Dimension with a uniform velocity from the cradle to the grave. Just as we should travel DOWN if we began our existence fifty miles above the earth's surface.

    For instance, if I am recalling an incident very vividly I go back to the instant of its occurrence: I become absent-minded, as you say. I jump back for a moment. Of course we have no means of staying back for any length of Time, any more than a savage or an animal has of staying six feet above the ground. But a civilized man is better off than the savage in this respect. He can go up against gravitation in a balloon, and why should he not hope that ultimately he may be able to stop or accelerate his drift along the Time-Dimension, or even turn about and travel the other way?

    But now you begin to see the object of my investigations into the geometry of Four Dimensions.

    Long ago I had a vague inkling of a machine…"

    ~ from THE TIME MACHINE ~

    first published 1895, London

  13. I hope the more apt song to apply will not be "ashes ashes, they all fall down" Regarding the whitewalkers army dominating mankind in the coming war. Ashes, was a song developed during the great plague, Sparkling macabre tidbit oops! 7 blessings

  14. Well done 🙂 I am impressed how well you work together with your audience. Some of your videos really feel like discussions rather than mere youtube content and I hope that you continue to do that even if you grow to be a large channel

  15. 4th dimension may well equal gods and there servants..Mellisandre, " I have no power, only what he gives me"
    She saw the Stark banner at winter fell (future), Mellisandre "You know nothing Jon Snow" (past)
    The red god definitely sees the past and the future.
    However, I think the great other and the red god are trying to create paradox events within the 4th dimension timeline. just a theory.
    the show 12 monkeys explores this.

  16. I don't know if Bran did whisper to the Aerys. Targaryens were known to have visions of their own and he started to grow paranoid and start going mad long before that scene where Jamie killed him. What if we are being misled and just assumed it was Bran just like we assumed the Wildfire exploding was from the past not the very next episode. We just heard him say it and everyone says ooh yeah Bran did it just like he broke Hodor. If anything wouldn't it be Meera that broke Hodor being she was the one yelling at him anyway Bran was stuck n a vision. poor Bran can't catch a break…

  17. The ability to travel faster then the speed of light, on this line of time 2D space, would need to be entangled particles. Which I think could be the ability of psychics to link with the red comet aka the ability to link with hodor in the past. All you would need is the proper alignment of satellites and a way to interface with them. Is sad to think Blood Raven the man with "a thousand eyes and one" would be the reason Egg and Duncan the tall died trying to bring back dragons, or that he was the one who caused the Mad King to go mad. But it will be much harder to watch Bran the cripple, lovable stark, become the person who causes hodor, and has a hand in the death of our loved disney prince and princess with their animals sidekicks ghosts and the dragons. Jaime will hear the words of Bran just as he had when he killed the mad king "Burn them all" and he will.

  18. You've fast become one of my favorite theorists on youtube. Your reading style and voice are very easy to listen to and understand. We all appreciate your creative sense and feel honored you refer to us as friends 😀

  19. Kevin, could you be any nicer, cooler, more humble? I think not! Great job putting this one together. Love that you used one of the actual books to demonstrate! Nice touch! Thnx too for recognition, that was very kind


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