Can Daenerys have children or did Mirri Maz Duur curse her so she can’t? Might she become pregnant on the tv show or in the books? And if so, what will it mean for the end game?

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  1. I have my own theory about “bittersweet”. Cersei is sending, allegedly, sending Euron to get the Golden Co. to fill the gaps in her own own Army. But Jorah and possibly Daario have worked for the Golden Co. There are men there who owe their lives to Dany’s greatest supporters. The complany was founded by Aegor Rivers, known as Bittersteel. The company will have the slowest roll out of its military forces in history, taking Euron more than a year to return with the Army Cersei needs. Even if they get to the battlefield, it could be like when the Irish run forward shaking the hands of their Celtic brothers in Braveheart. Cersei fails, and Bittersteel wins from beyond the grave, with the Golden Co. taking the Iron Throne, a wretched wreck, but still a throne. Bittersweet Or Bittersteel?

  2. I do not think Jon will reject Daenerys when he finds out his kinship. People want him to deny the union. But not only the Targaryen marry each other, the Starks also married cousins. For me, this is a bias of those who watch the show or do not want the couple to be together.

  3. I think it was foreshadowed that she'd end up with an arrow in her chest or back as much as her not being able to have a child or maybe being able to have a child… I think the scene North of the Wall with Drogo vision in the House of the Undying underscores her fate.. Yes, she will give birth to another dragon metaphorically, she will sacrifice herself for Jon Snow a.k. a. King Aegon Targaryan… He will perhaps marry Lyanna Mormont eventually and Longclaw will be passed on to their children…

    The bittersweet ending predictions so far are also very cliche in their own way.. Jon isn't a pure Targ, he is also Stark, he is ice and fire he is the prince who will bring the dawn, his whole life he has been about breaking the wheel of how things have always been done from helping the Freefolk to not blaming the Karstark and Umber children for the sins of their fathers, even forgiving Theon for as much as he is able to forgive…

    Dany on the other hand talks a great break the wheel line, but she is much more conventional a ruler… We see that when she burns down Lord Tarley and his son, I think the next scene between Varys and Tyrion is extremely important, Tyrion didn't like what he witnessed and Varys goes through the litany of what he witnessed and enabled under Dany's father's rule..

    We also have Dany's return scene, when Jon pets Drogon, he obviously doesn't agree with her burning down of Sam's dad and brother, but he says nothing while she goes on about the importance of appearing strong and being strong as a ruler and how many did he kill retaking Winterfell? Yes, a lot died, but in battle, not slaughtered after because they refused to bend a knee. Though he left justice for Ramsey to his sister who suffered because of him, he didn't do the conventional thing to punish the Karstarks and Umber children, as Sansa and the rest of his banner men wanted to do… Jon has never wanted to rule, yet he has been left to" clean up the shit as best he can," as Davos put it, all of his life. It is significant that that line comes immediately after Jon wants to know why he was brought back to life. This is why the Lord of Light brought him back, cleaning up the shit isn't just about leading men into battle to victory, it is about ruling wisely afterwards, the really hard part. From his reaction to first seeing the city, King's Landing is the last place he ever wants to live.. King Aegon sitting on the Iron Throne reordering life to bring a new spring is a bittersweet ending.. Because he will do it out of duty to the people not out of desire for power or fame for himself, that is what will break the wheel…

  4. I think Dany will fall pregnant and Jon will have mixed feelings. He's never wanted to bring a bar5tard into the world so when he finds out he's likely to push for them to get married. It'll be Sam & Bran who will then have to decide if Jon should know who he is or let the wedding go ahead. Or perhaps they will tell him and he swears them to secrecy.
    I also think Jon will send Dany back to Dragonstone when he finds out. There has to be a reason why Euron says to Dany about going back to her island. I feel she'll be forced to go back due to her pregnancy and Jon, Jorah & Tyrion will push her to go. I think she'll leave but disobey Jon and head to Kings Landing first. She'll set fire to the Red Keep (as she would have heard what Jaime has to say about Cersei) to ensure that Jon's army isn't attacked from the rear. She'll go full Dragon on them in order to save her "family". The fact that season 7 mentioned many times about her being killed by an arrow to the heart, I think that'll be what happens when she flies to KL and Jon thinks she's safe on Dragonstone, but she's killed by Cersei and the bitter sweet ending will be that Jon thinks he's saved everyone but he couldn't save Dany & their child because she was being a "hero" and dies the same way as Ygritte. 😔

  5. You forgot that the pregnancy will lead to a wedding also.
    But I don't think that the end of House Targaryen will happen, because let's be honest, G R.R. Martin must love to write about them (Dunk and Egg novella, now this new book called Fire and Blood) in a way this House represent his old family, in an interview he did say that he is more related with Daenerys, because as her, his family lost everything when he was a child.
    Last thing, in every history since the death of Rhaegar at least some Targaryen remind, even when the Dance of the Dragons occur. Let's see.
    Ps: Is it really confirmed that The Wind of Winter will be publish next year???

  6. I think Daenerys will have Jon's child, but she will die during childbirth. I don't think Jon wants to rule the Seven Kingdoms and will abdicate if his lineage is taken seriously by the realm. Instead, I can see Jon either continuing on as Lord of Winterfell, raising his and Daenerys child in the North, or he'll take on a small keep in the North and raise the child on his own.

    In regards to the Iron Throne… I wouldn't be surprised if the Iron Throne was smelted down and replaced by a grand council, made up of seven lords, each representing one of the Seven Kingdoms: Sansa Stark for the North, Tyrion for the Westerlands, Gendry or Davos Seaworth for the Stormlands, Edmure Tully for the Riverlands, Yohn Royce for the Vale, Samwell Tarly for the Reach and who knows for Dorne… perhaps one of the Vipers bastards or even a Dayne.

    Take all of that with a pinch of salt. I honestly have no idea what might happen, but it's fun to come up with ideas. 🙂

  7. I think if she falls pregnant and has a living child she will die after childbirth, and Drogo will be returned to her. I agree there's much foreshadowing of pregnancy, but I also think Jon (Aegon) will be the prince that was promised. The promised "bittersweet ending" could be that he manages to have a child AND brings Westeros out of the darkness, but he loses Dany.

  8. I think if she falls pregnant and has a living child she will die after childbirth, and Drogo will be returned to her. I agree there's much foreshadowing of pregnancy, but I also think Jon (Aegon) will be the prince that was promised. The promised "bittersweet ending" could be that he manages to have a child AND brings Westeros out of the darkness, but he loses Dany.

  9. While everyone is wondering about Danys ability to become pregnant again, I am genuinely interested, wether Jon is able to produce offspring after coming back from being dead. Now, I am nowhere as informed about the books or show as any of the Youtubers doing Videos about it on a regular basis. But if Jon really has to be seen as a 'wight by fire' (Rhollor) as opposed to being a 'wight by ice' (Night King/Great Other), then producing healthy (meaning: living) spermcells might be problematic. After all, we have seen in the show, that his body is unable to close the stab wounds and ergo is unable to regenerate (not sure about any minor wounds from battle of bastards…) He does not even bleed from them -maybe because he lost most of his blood as he lay dying. While this is in the show, the books make a similar point with Berric/Lady Stoneheart.
    Or maybe… just maybe I am overcomplicating things. 😀

    Thank you for all the awesome content anyway. Your videos are always fun to watch and I am looking forward to when GRRM releases WOW, so we all have a source to discuss, that provides more insight than the "it-looked-cool-and-we-wanted-it-since-first-season"-TV format.

  10. Maybe Jon, Dany and their child all survive.. but they don't go after the Iron Throne in the end? Maybe they move to Essos to have a calmer life after establishing some sort of democracy in Westeros lol. Who knows.. I'd like to see Dany return to the house with the red door in Braavos.

  11. The promised Prince of ice and fire is John. I believe that he is the one to fight with white king. About Danny and her child. This show ain't give us vision of Danny about child in the future. It's only vision of child with Drogo.
    Also Danny can't be the promised Prince because her both parents are fire.
    But if she die that means no more dragons at all. Because John isnt pure valarian. All do pregnancy will not change the fact that maybe no one will survive. That's why I think that if she did get pregnant it will maybe happen in the end of the season.

  12. They are already in love with each other that has been clearly shown and i don't believe that she would become pregnant and wouldn't have the baby i don't believe the tv show is that cruel… maybe both her and Jon surviving at end probably not even though i hope with everything they have gone through in their lives they deserve to make it to the end

  13. The reference to Dany not having children isn't a throw away comment.
    The witch knew very well the Dothraki and knew what happens to the widows of the dead khals. Daenarys was supposed to go to Vaes Dothrak and live the rest of her life in a temple never touched by anyone.

    Mirri just said a list of impossible things to happen.
    And a Khal widow living in Vaes Dothrak is impossible to bare a living child.

  14. This means that Jon would want to wed Dany before the baby is born. He already said he didn't want to father a bastard child. And a wedding seems out of place considering what's going on at this point. And would Jon wed his aunt?

  15. I do think Dany will have a child with Jon. I also believe that GRRM discussed with D&D what his vision is to end the books. I want to believe the books and the series will end the same but they just will have different paths getting there. And if he is anything like TRRToken, I could see Jon and Dany getting married and having a dream for spring. I just believe there will be some type of major meteor strike onto earth, or a volcano eruption or earthquake causing mass destruction of this world of Westros killing most of the people in that world will also be dead. So what purpose would the iron throne serve. Maybe it is a new beginning altogether with the loss of so many. I don't think GRRM could be that cruel to end everyone that we all come to love in one way or another. I hope I am not wrong!

  16. I've always thought he could. The real question is Jon. According to Martin, Jon and Baric are fire zombies, no blood flow, and in one interview literally said Jon would be unable to perform due to this. However the cartoon histiry says Thoros felt Baric heart beat. So, pretty much off book.

    Personal theory is that whatever remains of couple and child will leave forever. There's no point having nukes, if you have them some one will use them. When they want to cameo they treat a character like they do Benjin, a minute on screen then off to unpaid land. Cast is expensive. They ha e gone out if their way to return Gendrey for two seasons. It could be for an awesome death scene but that a lot of money. It's a bit weird, but I think the proof to Gendrey being the only true heir is in the crypt. Whoever hid it there would know there is no chance Cersei would go near it and mess things up.

    I was watching a couple EPS with family last night and I noticed the night king walk through fire. So far, there is only one character with the same ability to do this as well. Dany. For A few minutes I tried to figure out how ice magic was in her (even made a connection to here loosing her moon cycle because things were frozen). But then my mind jumped back to the night king. Brans vision on the show has that huge dragon glass pushed in, and another thing it's called is frozen fire. Benjin had the same thing done. A lot of people thing the children created the walkers the same way, but does it make sense to use fire magic to make ice demons? Was Dany protected from the flames because some one used ice magic? Are the night king and benjin protected from fire because of fire magic? The fire god claims to be the god of life, the other is death. It was supposedly they fire god that brought back our heros, and as the god of life it kinda makes sense. The night king seems to be making the night walkers on the show. But is he using fire magic to animate the dead? If the night king is cursed by ice magic, and using or cursed with fire magic, is he the song of ice and fire? Was the night king created with the intention of also building a zombie host, could him figuring out how to do it be part of what cause things to get unbalanced?

  17. Hi Robert! I think Dany can have children, because of the heavy foreshadowing in season 7 yes she can, will she have it, I think she would. Now what the childs future is….. who knows. I am hoping, that child does not fill some sort of profacy for the Night King, since he has Greensight… tin foily I know.

  18. What would be the point if the show goes down that path foreshadowing Dany's pregnancy if the child doesn't survive..that would be a waste of time if there's no payoff at the end…she may not live to raise the child but the child would live..therefore her family has not seen it's Jon told her..that would be bittersweet

  19. I have said this before and I will again. Dany's mother died in childbirth and Jon's mother died in childbirth. Their child (or children??) shouldn't have to grow up without parents. That's not bittersweet it's just bitter. The tv show is different than the books. That much is very clear, so why can't we have a semi happy ending on the show. Let the books be as dark and bittersweet as it needs to be. Game of Thrones is a phenomenon. I honestly don't mean to offend anyone but it is bigger than the books and it would be odd now if D&D dont deviate from GRRM ending alittle bit. I don't envy the writer's trying to give GOT the ending it deserves. Honestly, can anyone who is an avid reader say a movie or television show is better than the books? GRRM hasn't had an active roll in the television show for year's. So I think alittle fan service is a fair thing to ask for.

  20. I love how everyone in the comments section that reads something they don't like or want to happen can just say oh that's so predictable then they rattle off what they want to happen 😂 😂 Instead

  21. hi In Deep Geek ,this is Sophian and i would say,nice vids .i do like your narritive way and the GM way .But i would like u speaked about mad Queen Daeneris in a previous one,and if john have to kill her cause of a madness?when everybody think Cirsei will be the mad one but Cersei just keep on waiting…If jhon have to kill her when they fight side by side ,if she just be made mad in a fight vs the king of the night ,and have to face her child's death ,in a mad way throw all of it away and can give other dragon to the king of the night so jhon have to kill her .by her death her pure magical link with the two other dragons are broken and so be tame by jhon and i dont know how ^^ etc etc ahah i like you dude keep it straigh ,i do look a lot but yours have their point,u keep getting "asking" before getting to your point ,your an actual GM ahah thanks for your work.

  22. I think she can have children. However I think the Night King wants her for his queen beeing as she's immune to fire. I think he will take and turn her while pregnant. Their child with both dragon birthing/riding as well as Old Men blood will mot be born until after the NK "turns" her.

  23. Dany asked Mirri Maz Duur, "When will He return as He was?" Clearly Dany was asking about Drogo recovering. MMD played on Dany's words just the same as she played on Dany's words when Dany asked for MMD to save Drogo's "life". Rhaego is not dead. He was never still born. He was sent away. At first I thought she sent him to Asshai to the R'hllor people there since Jorah mentioned Asshai just prior to Dany falling triggering her labor. Now, with Melisandre leaving and going to Volantis I believe he may be there. The largest temple for the R'hllor is there and they have their own Army, the Fiery Hand. What would a temple need an army for? What are they protecting or should I say WHO are they protecting? I think possibly Rhaego. There are many clues that point to him being alive in the books. The most obvious is Dany's vision in THOTU and later her dream of him. Dany has the gift of sight and like she said, "Her dreams come true." Jon's statement last season, "Did you ever consider she may not be a reliable source?" Yes! In more ways than one! MMD gave Dany a prophecy not a curse. Everything MMD said is coming true. The end of the MMD prophecy is the return of Rhaego. It's like the old joke with the Gini granting one wish and he person asks for a million bucks. So the Gini grants the wish and gives the guy a million deer. Be careful in what you ask for. Dany didn't learn from her mistake with MMD. Should have been a bit more specific in her question. I was really hoping Rhaego would return to the story riding in on his own dragon but maybe he will have his own army instead. That would be alright. A dragon would have been cooler. So, yes! Dany will have a baby on the show. If we get lucky she will have twins and that will make her the mother of three. As for her riding Drogon while pregnant, we did see her ride her horse while near full term pregnant with Rhaego. I've seen amazing videos of full term pregnant women doing really crazy, extreme things! Stuff I would never believe possible but there are some women that can do these things. Maybe that's where Tyrion's saddle ingenuity will come into play. Think about it, there was no body, no witnesses to Rhaego's birth. Only the words of MMD. Yeah, I'm not buying it. Like THOTU kept chanting to Dany, "slayer of lies". Robert's Rebellion was based on lies, Rhaego's death was a lie and we will find out more lies before the story is done probably. ❤️❄️🔥


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