Melisandre vanished to Volantis at the start of Season 7, why and when will she return? Lets discuss how her fate just may be intertwined with Viserion!


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  1. don't know where to put this question and get answer: does Melisandre have different necklages between first times she goes on screen and later (like third time she goes on screen or such)? does this means anything? ty

  2. The night that the season 7 finale aired, you Livestreamed. I paid a couple bucks to send you a message in the q and a suggesting that Melisendre would take out/be involved in taking out Viserion, and you all but made fun of me for having the idea, lol

  3. As always Mark, I really enjoyed your vid! I love the idea (girlfriend-you go girl!), no pun intended, about Dany’s love bringing him back to life!
    My first thought, literally, when I saw Viserion go down, hearing Drogon & Rhaegal cries, it tore me up and I thought, “Wonder if his brothers love & magical connection would be powerful enuf to override the ‘evil’ magic & bring him back?” Like a totally intense scene filled with energy, magic, & with a shit on the line, & at a critical moment…all culminating into full-blown CGI porn! (And victory, of course)
    BUT I think I was holding that thought as a coping strategy whilst watching Viserion die. 😬

  4. Hey Mark, Thanks for the new video. Amazing give-a-way contest. And hey Id never thought about the Red Priest and priestesses bringing back a dead and now under new management Dragon

  5. There are also these theories that there is a dragon in the Winterfell crypts… it could be possible that somehow the red women know or that Bran could discover it, maybe even Sam? and then the red women can bring that one back to life? another tinfoil theory… haha but would be interesting as fuck!

  6. Great content video as always! Can't wait to have more vids like this!!! 😀 What if… *put yo' tin foil hat on!* what if Melisandre is bringing the other red women back with her so they can help fight the army in this way: the NK can control the dead, he can reanimate their corpses. We know that Melisandre can bring back the dead (I.E. Jon Snow though as you mentioned he is the ONLY one) we also know that Berrick Dondarian (sorry for typos) has been brought back by Thoros of Myr more than once. WHAT IF think of this as a "Parallel Theory" NK is the leader on his side, with his White Walkers who control his whites. again WHAT IF Melisandre is the opposite, or the high priestess, being the leader with all the other red women as her opposite WW's, and bringing back their dead as whites reanimated by fire??? Like I said… tinfoil theory but… that would be a song of ice and fire…

  7. To far fetched. Better question! We're still waiting george were are the books winter is here. I love the channels but I feel if WE ALL stop 😨 ( might have withdrawal for a while 😂) giving george ideas. We might get the books finally.

  8. Unfortunately no. I think we are all going to have to bare to witness brother vs brother, Viserion vs Drogon and Rhaegal to the death. Not to mention if dragons are hard to burn… it might be a really slow going process. Ugh Worse question… how badly are Drogon and Rhaegal going to be hurt in the process?
    Melisandre… I believe she’s going to the temple to get answers for herself. She was at a loss and an all time low last season from all her failed visions in the fires. She probably is figuring out exactly what Kinvara already knows, “Everyone is who they are and where they are for a reason. Horrible things happen for a reason.” Melisandre was supposed to believe Stannis was TPTWP. If she hadn’t believed in him she would’ve never gone to Dragonstone. She would have never talked him into taking an army North for the “real war” which just so happened to arrive in the nick of time to save Jon from being killed by Mance. Which then put her in position to be there for Jon to resurrect his dead body after the Nights Watch killed him. Here this whole time she is believing that she is misinterpreting the visions, beating herself up for not being correct when all along she is doing exactly what the LOL is needing/wanting her to do. My question is… who is sending those messages. (And dang it, be more specific! Geesh!🙄)
    Plus I believe she is there to bring in the Rhaego, Morning and Fiery Hand storyline for the end game. Like Jojen had told Bran, “You’ll know when it’s the end.” (While holding up his fiery hand.) 🔥

  9. I feel that Viserion is gone for good. Rhaegal is definitely going to go down next season. Either killed by Viserion or Bran fucks up and gets him killed. I feel that Drogon will need to face Viserion. Maybe Dany vs NK air battle? Would be awesome.

    I feel that D&D are going to be assholes though and send Dany back to Dragonstone to be pregnant for the entire season only to be screwed over by Euron. Maybe it will be Jon riding Drogon? Which would be annoying af to see Dany become a powerful Queen and an icon with her dragons only for that power to be converted to Jon.

  10. You are going to need more magic to fight against the NK, so Melisandre getting more red priest back to fight does make sense. I don’t think Viserion will come back, I think he is done, breaks my heart I love those dragons, but for the story I think when the NK dies so will Viserion. We know Daney is preggers with Jon’s baby and she will have a child, how that is going to affect her dragons not sure, if she dies in childbirth, then Drogon will probably die too. They did say it will be bitter sweet. Good post, thanks

  11. I dont think Viserion to return back as a normal dragon ..because that he to stay an undead dead will make Danny/Jon to having a child in S8[death pay for life] and the plot of S8 will go in this way for sure..they can earn more benefits having a Targ baby in the place of a dragon..because that baby will be the sweet part of the bittersweet ending..This actually will be the show ending..As for Mellisandre doing that i dont think so..because she already has pledge herself[in S6] to sacrificed for Jon[Azor]/Danny[Ahai] to having the Lightbringer for to defeat the NK and also she will bring the Order of the Fiery Hand for to help them more in their battle.


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