It’s fair to say that over the course of eight seasons, Game Of Thrones became a very different show.

In its initial debut, a lower budget and limited production values meant more focus on characters and political storylines, with little action and the season’s main battle not even seen, but told by the figures who played a role in the aftermath. By the show’s climax, George R.R. Martin’s source material had run out and the showrunners were putting much more emphasis on sweeping battles of a cinematic scale.

Regardless of what you think of the finale, few can deny how epic Game Of Thrones became. That, combined with a major ensemble of characters being introduced and killed off with every other episode, gives every season (or chapter) of the show a rather unique feel, with various plotlines and character arcs explored against the backdrop of the overarching saga.

So, how well do you know each season of the show? Could you tell which is which just by looking at one single image? If you can, that’d make you a real Thrones expert…

Answers at the end!



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