I’m gonna choose closer to Thanksgiving + have this done in December but for now I’ll just drop this here since I actually have a little free time this weekend

Anyway I’d prefer you just upload your audition on here but if you wanna post it on soundcloud or somethin that’s fine. I’d rather you not have to email it to me though bc it’ll get buried fast. Also, if you can, you’ll be the voice actor for your character for the whole comic (it’s 4 chapters long).

Redmoon: “I’ll make you proud, Pebblefur!” “Creekpaw, I don’t think this is a good idea. If anyone catches us we’ll be in big trouble.” “Spottedear thinks I’m a danger to the clan.. But I’m not bad, am I?”

Pebblefur: “Move lightly, if you make too much noise you’ll scare all the prey off.” “Spottedear, that’s enough. Redpaw’s a kitten, she isn’t gonna hurt anyone.” “I don’t know what I’m gonna do with that kid, Rabbitstar. She’s a good warrior, but getting too attached to cats from other clans can only hurt her.”

Rabbitstar: “Don’t think being Pebblefur’s apprentice means I’ll go easy on you. I’ll go twice as hard, if they trained you then you should be able to handle that.” “Spottedear, Redpaw, come. We’re going to the moonstone.” “Keep close, it’s the middle of winter and I smell wolves. We’re probably starting to look real appetizing.”

Spottedear: “Look, all I’m saying is be careful. She’s little and harmless now, but she’ll grow.” “Rabbitstar, I’m running out of herbs and cats are very sick. I want to go over to BreezeClan and see if they have any they can spare.” “Redpaw, I want to believe you’re good, but StarClan never lies.”

Creekstep: “Aw, c’mon! Don’t be such a fraidy cat! It’s not like dogs can climb trees.” “Coming! I gotta go. Meet me here tomorrow?” “Redmoon. Look me in the eyes and tell me you didn’t cause this. Tell me.”

Heatherstar: “Hello, Pebblefur. Showing your apprentice the borders?” “We’ve had fewer kittens this year as well, the winter’s been hard on all of us.”

Robinheart: “Redpaw, is it? Well, this is all you need to know about BreezeClan- we live on this side of the river. You live on that side. You never cross over.”

Uh for the last two feel free to say anything extra, they just don’t have many lines.



  1. ahh oh geez I think I might try for this ?? I've always really liked voice acting but i never really tried since im nervous abt putting emotion in my lines and if I could keep up w/ lines
    b u t trying never hurts :0
    Do you know when people get the parts if they have to contact you or keep in contact often and if so through what?

  2. damn dude, i’m excited to see this story play out, ive always wanted to be apart of stuff like this but i wouldn’t be able to put up an audition considering i’m getting my wisdom teeth out in a couple days.

    i hope everything goes well for it though, it looks like a huge amount of fun, and i’m excited to see what happens with heatherstar and Robinheart as characters tbh.


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