I hope you guys decide you are up for the challenge. So without further or do here are the characters and their roles needed for episode 1, and yes, I know… I still have to make the trailer, but I would like to get a head start on this. I also made a little mistake saying Random wolf #3 will only be played once but will actually twice.

Characters available:
– Raksha
– Aspe
– Random wolf #3 (aka Blade)
– Random wolf #2
-Random wolf #1

Roles and lines for characters:
*Ayria* (Taken)
– “Luna… We have to leave!…” (breathless/scarred)
– “but we can’t leave mom behind!…” (Breathless/scarred)
– “No mom!… Your coming with us!…” (Stubborn)
– “I’m coming!!!” (Frustrated) *through gritted teeth*
– “ugh… Thank you!” (Relieved)
– “Oh My Gore!… I think that was…Blade!!!” (Surprised/happy)
– “He is so Hot!…” (Calm/Romantic)
– “I just got chased by the worlds most hottest wolf!… Blade, the leader of the defenders of RockSaw pack!”
(Very surprised/happy)
– “REALLY!?…” (Very excited)
– “Well I don’t mind, he can catch me and do whatever he wants to me anytime!” (Romantic/passionate)
– “What?…” (Surprised)
– “ugh… Its not my fault he is so Hot!…” (Romantic/grumpy)
– “Shut up Luna, I’m sure you’ll have a crush someday too!…” (Angry/ teasing)
– “You best refrain from calling me pup!…” (Angry)
– “I’m sure you have a crush on him too, Pigwit!…”
– “Wow!… What a good sister you are!…” (Shocked/sarcastic)
– “A player…Responsibility… None of those things are true!” (Sad/upset)
– “Mom is usually not one to anger, but you sure find every way to anger her, don’t you Luna?” (Angry/taunting)
– “Your right, we shouldn’t be arguing!” (Disappointed)
– “What is your name anyway?…” (Calm/concerned)

*Luna* (Taken)
– “I know…” (Calm/frustrated)
– “Yes…I know… But if we stay any longer, we’ll be chased out and slaughtered!” (Anxious)
– “Come on…hurry up Ayria… We don’t have much longer, their ganing on us!” (Anxious/scarred)
– “Ahh!!!…Who are you?!” (Breathless/scarred)
– “Shush!” (Scarred)
– “Former packmates of ours!…” (Unhappy)
– “Oh God!!!…here we go again!… (Unamused)
– “Oh yeah…and I’m sure your the hottest thing out there for him to catch!…” (Sarcastic)
– “Sorry mum!” (Surprised)
– “Grow up!” (Unhappy)
– “Thanks!… Meanwhile Ayria can daydream of Howling with Blade Slough!…” (Sarcastic/teasing)
– “In your dreams, pup!…” (Unhappy/teasing)
– “Make me!… (Taunting)
– “No… In fact I’m not sure why you would like a guy who is so rough and has such responsibilities, more than to even sit down and get a girl pregnant and actually father something that has a part of his own DNA without running off with more responsibilities, and more of a player than he actually and already is!…” (Angry/confused)
– “You got to face the facts that they are, sooner or later!” (Upset/angry)
– “Why can’t she get over him, she is just straight up annoying now!” (Angry)
– “yeah…well… Its her life that annoys mine!” (Angry)
– “No, I guess not!” (Disappointed)
– “ugh…Why don’t you just shut up!…oh wait… Do you ever?…” (Taunting)
– “yeah, we haven’t even got to know your name yet, because we were to busy arguing!…” (Calm/disappointed)

– “I’ll be fine girls!” (Calm)
– “Ouch!…”
– “Ayria!!! (Angry/unamused)
– “I ought to smack you upside that thick skull of yours!” (Unhappy)
– “I sprained my paw during the run!…” (Calm)
– “Sure!…” (Calm/welcoming)
– “Would you two just…Ouch!!!…” (Painfully frustrated) *through gritted teeth*
– “No, no, no… Its OK, your just doing what you need to!” (Calm)
– “Now… Would you two please not fight… We are guests here!” (Frustrated)
– “Luna, you may have a point, but that was really mean!” (Disappointed)
– “Let her do what she wants, its her life, not yours!”
– “yeah… And its both of your lives that annoy me, but you don’t see me complaining, do you?” (Frustrated)
– “That is enough you two, you are grown wolves for Alphas sake!… Not pups, so start acting like adults!… I am so disappointed in the both of you right now that I have to mother you and be the grown up here!” (Very angry)
– “I shouldn’t have to do that!” (Sadly upset)
– “Alright, even myself I could admit I was in the wrong!…” (Calm/disappointed)

– “Hurry…follow me!…” (Anxious)
– “In here!…Quickly!” (Anxious)
– “be quiet…their right outside!” (Scarred)
– “Who were those wolves?…” (Concerned)
– “Umm…What seems to be the problem?…” (Concerned)
– “May I help?…” (Concerned)
– “Not really my place…but WOW!…that was deep!” (Suprised)
– “Not really my place at all…but could we all please get along here!…” (Nervous/Confused)
– “My name is…” (calm)

*Random wolf #1*
– “I lost track of their scent!…” Suprised)

*Random wolf #2*
– “I can’t seem to find them!” (Disappointed)

*Random wolf #3 (aka Blade)*
– “ugh…Come on boys!…follow me!” (Frustrated)
– “Aha…found you guys!!!” (Suprised/Angry)




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