Maisie Williams open to playing Arya Stark again “down the road”

Game of Thrones introduced the world to a slew of memorable — the wily Tyrion Lannister, the iron-willed Daenerys Targaryen, the powerful Brienne of Tarth…and while it’s hard to say...

Game of Thrones featurette highlights Arya Stark’s action scenes

Joe Dempsie (Gendry) was expecting backlash over the Game of Thrones finale by Ariba Bhuvad Arya Stark is a badass. It is known. Part of...

“The Long Night” script sheds light on Arya killing the Night King

Arguably the best moment of the eighth and final season of Game of Thrones is where Arya Stark, the little Faceless assassin who could, slides past a group of White Walkers...

Maisie Williams reflects on Arya’s “happy ending”

When she read the script for the final season of Game of Thrones, Maisie Williams was just as surprised as fans to learn how Arya’s story would end: sailing into...

Interpreting the symbolism of Arya and the pale horse

Disenchantment season 2 gets a premiere date, goes full Game of Thrones by David Harris (Razor) Arya’s meeting with the white horse in the ruins of King’s Landing at...

Will Arya Stark kill Daenerys Targaryen in the Game of Thrones finale?

Okay folks, we’re not here to debate why Daenerys Targaryen went mad and burned down half of King’s Landing, or whether we should have seen it coming. The simple...

Taylor Swift explains how Game of Thrones hugely influenced her music

Okay, so when I first started seeing headlines about Taylor Swift incorporating Game of Thrones into her music, I thought it would be something pretty surface-level. Like, she saw that Arya...

Arya’s big moment sets up the Game of Thrones ending we deserve

This weekend, Game of Thrones aired its series finale…three episodes early. From the very first scene of the very first episode of the show, we’ve been anticipating a clash between the...

Carice van Houten looks back on playing the mysterious Melisandre

On last night’s episode of Game of Thrones, Melisandre left us as mysteriously as she was introduced. In a drift of dust, she disappeared from Westeros having played an...

“I thought everybody would hate it”

Warning: It’s time for those good Game of Thrones spoilers.Well, that certainly happened.Arya Stark killed the Night King on tonight’s new episode of Game of Thrones, “The Long Night.” Maisie...
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