Seth Meyers compares Hillary Clinton to Arya Stark

Game of Thrones is actually all about comedy, didn’t you know? Hidden underneath all the sex, lies and betrayals is a rich foundation for funnies.First up, Late Night host Seth...

HBO Nordic draws more attention to Arya’s dagger in new season 7 promo

CAUTION: THIS POST CONTAINS SPOILERS AND SPECULATIONThe most recent issue of Entertainment Weekly is all about Game of Thrones season 7. On store shelves now, fans can choose between any of five variant...

Aidan Gillen (Littlefinger) resolves long-standing mystery about Arya Stark

Back in Game of Thrones season 2, Arya Stark worked briefly as a cupbearer for Lord Tywin Lannister when he was stationed at Harrenhal. In the sixth episode of the season...

Maisie Williams shares her hopes for Arya in Game of Thrones season 7

The interview floodgates have opened. TIME has published an interview with Maisie Williams (Arya) it conducted for its recent cover story, and while she doesn’t spill the beans on season...

A Girl has no Chill

As we enter the ten-week run-up to Game of Thrones season 7, there comes a time to reflect on the characters we know and love — or in some...

Arya turns into “a bit…of a monster” in “Dragonstone”

The most memorable scene from last night’s Game of Thrones season premiere was probably the first, where Arya Stark disguised herself as Walder Frey and murdered a room full of Walder’s male descendants....

What is happening with Arya Stark in Game of Thrones season 7?

Arya Stark has had quite a journey. Since season 1, we’ve watched her go from reluctant lady-in-training to a merciless warrior. Along the way, she’s been imprisoned, escaped, met and parted with...

“Beyond the Wall” director on Arya and Sansa’s potentially deadly rivalry

Alan Taylor directed several huge moments from Game of Thrones’ first two seasons, including poor Ned’s beheading in “Baelor” and the moment when Dany’s dragons were born in “Fire and Blood.” When...

Maisie Williams (Arya) discusses that huge death from the season 7 finale

This past Sunday, HBO aired the finale of Game of Thrones season 7, wherein the plotline between Arya Stark, Sansa Stark and Littlefinger came to a head. Star Maisie Williams talked...

Maisie Williams and Bryan Cogman discuss Arya’s long-awaited reunion

 One of the more painful moments from the second episode of Game of Thrones* is when Arya Stark, still fresh-faced and bushy-tailed, chased off her beloved direwolf Nymeria to save her...
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