Tom Glynn-Carney on how Aegon II’s injuries mirrored King Viserys in House of the...

Exploring the complexities of power and leadership, actor Tom Glynn-Carney sheds light on the contrasting journeys of two Targaryen rulers in House of the Dragon. In this insightful interview,...

House of the Dragon’s Matt Smith says “too much policing of stories” is ruining...

Matt Smith, the skilled and adaptable actor, continues to impress in the entertainment industry with his engaging on-screen performances. Presently, he stars as Prince Daemon Targaryen in HBO’s popular...

House of the Dragon showrunner explains how Rhaenyra and Daenerys are connected by prophecy

The Targaryen dynasty, with their dragonfire and blood magic, have long been at the center of this tangled web. The drums of war beat louder, and two Targaryen women...

Fabien Frankel was “scared to watch” his own performance in the Battle of Rook’s...

Amid the Targaryen dynasty’s turmoil, one character’s journey has captivated audiences: Criston Cole, played by Fabien Frankel. As a skilled knight and member of the Kingsguard, Cole’s role is...

Kristian Nairn (Hodor) liked how Jaime and Cersei died in Game of Thrones finale

Kristian Nairn played Hodor, Bran’s loyal and lovable bodyguard on Game of Thrones. Despite his limited vocabulary (he only said one word: “Hodor!”), Kristian Nairn conveyed many emotions through his...

Fellow author says George R.R. Martin’s complaints about House of the Dragon changes were...

George R.R. Martin recently made headlines after he criticized some changes made in HBO’s House of the Dragon. Though the blog post where he aired his grievances was taken...

Eve Best says Meleys was Rhaenys’ “other self”, was tough to picture the dragon...

Rhaenys Targaryen, played by Eve Best, faced off against King Aegon and his dragon in a thrilling battle in House of the Dragon season 2, episode 4. Unlike their...

Ewan Mitchell on whether House of the Dragon Season 2 needed more than 8...

Ewan Mitchell, the talented actor behind the complex and intriguing character of Aemond, has confessed his deep love for the hit HBO series House of the Dragon. His passion...

Matt Smith, Fabien Frankel and Tom Glynn-Carney to attend New York Comic Con 2024

With one of the largest fan bases on the planet and a significant presence at Comic Cons, the Game of Thrones franchise has long been a favorite among fans....

Steve Toussaint hated growing a beard to play Corlys Velaryon in House of the...

Welcome to a behind-the-scenes look at the life of an actor in House of The Dragon Steve Toussaint who plays Corlys Velaryon. Steve Toussaint shares his humorous and relatable...
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