In Game Of Throne season 8 Cersei and or Daenerys both might be pregnant . I cant see both babies making it. So whose baby will live whose will die. I give my predictions using the hidden easter eggs and things you missed in game of thrones season 7 . Is she pregnant by Euron Greyjoy Jamie Lannister or someone else ? is Daenerys pregnant whos the little brother is it Euron Jamie maybe Arya Stark
daenerysand jon baby dies

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  1. Did you mention that the Woods Witch, Maggy the Frog promised Cersei that she would have THREE children, and all would die before her death at the hands of a younger sibling (my money is on Jaime, I still think it's got to be one of her brothers). So I seriously doubt that Cersei will have another child. Either she dies (is murdered) before the birth of the baby, or she has a still-born or simply miscarries. Cersei did tell Cat Stark once that she previously had a miscarriage with Robert's child. So it wouldn't be the first time.

    And GOT has been dropping little hints in Season 7 about Danny not being able to have children, and Jon questioning the validity of it. So we can only conclude that Danny will get pregnant In season 8, and Jon will be the Father. Ice and Fire converge and make a baby. The whole Jon and Danny Targaryen legacy at the ending of this story will be in invested in their child. Jon and Danny's child will live and have a future. Cersei's won't.

    The once believed dead Targaryen bloodline will continue to live through their child, and the Lannister bloodline will probably die, along with Cersei and her never-to-be child.

    And I don't think it's Euron's baby. Too soon. I don't think they are intimate yet. Euron asking Jaime if Cersei likes a finger up her bum during sex was a big clue. If he had slept with her, why is he asking Jaime? He would already know and would have divulged it to Jaime that he had slept with her… if only to piss Jaime off. That tells me he's not slept with her (not yet), so I don't think this alleged pregnancy is down to this comedy pirate.

    All I hope is that Season 8 isn't the bloody train wreck Season 7 was. One word sums up Season 7 for me. That word is… disappointed.

    We are off-book folks, and we have now left George behind and entered the world of Dan and Dave. Anything could happen. Any old trope or cliché. So please GOT, don't give us any more poor writing or weak storylines. Don't make us wait TWO years for pish and shite.

  2. Nah Danny will die but Jon has to survive b/c he’s the reluctant King. Danny dying in Child Birth would be bittersweet but having both Jon & Danny die would be a tragedy. Jon’s whole life would have been torture without happiness. He needs to survive. Wouldn’t Jon raising a child be the ultimate redemption for a bastard who felt not wanted? Jon ending up in charge & restructuring the Kingdom would be a good ending with a child that would carry on his vision

  3. Both babies live. All of the parents die, Tyrion Raises two baby as sister and sister (cause one is a boy)
    they fall in love. girl gets pregnant, Boy tells Tyrion Who then confesses they are not really brother and sister. Boy rushes back to tell girl they can be together, but the girl has been killed. Boy breaks down holding dead sister/lover and kisses her mouth and DIES Because the girl was killed by that lipstick from Dorne! Tyrion dies alone , But at the age of 80 with a belly full of beer and a woman’s mouth around his ding-dong. Westeros develops first democracy and elects Gendry as its first PRESIDENT

  4. I don't know. I think Tywin's line about the Lannister's becoming a thousand year dynasty or dissolving into nothing would play out with the same delicious irony if the Lannister name were carried on, but only by the Tyrion, he son he despises and whose legitimacy he may secretly question.

  5. I have been waiting for someone to die in childbirth. They talk about it way to much. So not sure how it will play out for Dany.
    Cercie will be murdered. Maybe Arya will ware Jamie's face.
    Question: can the dead climb? The talking of steps made me really start thinking about it. Also the comment I hope the dead never learn to climb the wall.

  6. Cersi"s baby will be the one who dies .. I am hoping Danny and Jon will have their happy ever after my wishful thinking…… but dont see that happening …. I would love to see Dam and Gillie

  7. Well, if they want to stay consistent with the valar morghulis theme, both Dany and Cersei have boys, and both babies die. And worst of all for viewers, they have Dany die and Cersei lives on.

  8. How crazy is this show that we're taking about which baby is going to die???? For the record, I'm putting my money on Cersei's… Jamie already gave us the spoiler when he told Cersei as much if they don't fight alongside the North.

  9. GRRM is a storyteller, and Sam Tarly is his proxy in this tale. I could see him raising Jon and Dany's child and writing the story we are now reading, even if it is a bit too much LOTR for me. I could also see Sansa or Arya caring for the child. I don't see a future for Cersei's child if she is even pregnant at all. She played it up for Tyrion to think this, and it was also a way to keep Jamie by her side even though it eventually wasn't enough.

    Such good, complex characters that you both despise and empathize with (except Euron, who is just 100% black hat).

  10. See for me…it seems most expect Dany , Bran, Sansa, Arya, & Tyrion will die. So I feel for my predictions for S8 I am just going to predict the opposite and see what happens. Honestly, out of the key 5, if we are still thinking grrm kept that in some way. I can see Jon out of all of them dying. Even tho that is not a popular opinion cuz everyone loves Jon…


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