Artist: Ross Bugden
Song: Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones Soundtrack)

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Game Of Thrones
Season 8
Episode 5



  1. This was awesome and I found myself getting choked up over everything involving Dany.

    BUT, there are two major issues with this entire supposed plot…

    1 – Arya is not a "little brother" hence can not be the one to kill Cersei as the Valonqar prophecy says that not only will it be a little brother, but that she will essentially be choked to death. When this scene began, I found myself thinking "Holy sh*t, it's the Hound! He is a little brother. He's going to choke out Cersei!"

    2 – The idea that Dany dies during child birth makes perfect sense. The idea that someone must kill her makes perfect sense as well. But I believe it will be Jon… and killing Dany with Longclaw will then forge Lightbringer. But Varys stabbing Dany through the chest… only for Varys to die a few minutes later when the Golden Company enters just makes no sense to me at all.

    For a moment, I found myself going "Jorah is going to have to kill her and HE will suddenly be Azor Ahai!" But Varys…??? No way.

    Also, how did Samwell and newborn baby DanJon make it out safely to meet Jon on the steps of Dragonstone but everyone else is essentially killed?

    And lastly, how in the hell are Arya, the Hound, and a ginormous Direwolf going to just walk through the streets of King's Landing and up to the Red Keep without anyone in the City Watch or anyone else not seeing and recognizing them? And then Arya just magically winds up with Qyburn's face and they walk into an unguarded Red Keep?!

    Again, loved this entire possible storyline to the point that I teared up in more than one part. But several holes that make no sense.

  2. This show is now stupid, if Dany gets with Jon cause what separates her from Cersie, Dany shags her nephew and Cersie shags her brother all the westotosi where against Cersie and Jamie's relationship so how comes all of a sudden the they are all ok with Dany and Jon that does not make sense that crap writing and so many people are supporting it as well in our society just goes to show this world is getting more messed up by the day

  3. This theory/ leak makes little sense.

    There are so many who have predicted Dany's demise on the strength of the Mirri Maz Duur prophecy from season 1, often forgetting that Game of Thrones was written in 1997, when GRR Martin had apparently decided that Daenerys was one of the "final five" who makes it all the way to the end.

    Of course, that plot could have been changed however advocates of the "Daenerys dies in childbirth" theory often forget about another vital piece of contextual evidence that is too often overlooked – the Maggy the Frog prophecy.

    Someone will cast Cersei down and take all that she holds dear. With only seven episodes left, the surely only viable candidates are Daenerys and Jon.

    In this scenario, it is neither. Here, she doesn't get cast down at all, just dies (very underwhelmingly) ar Arya's hands. On the strength of this, I would hazard a guess that these leaks are potentially fake.

  4. This is fake. Only like 4 people have the scripts. Not even the actors have the scripts yet. Who would leak it? There are so many plot holes as well. The season 7 leaks came out like 4 months after filming started when like 100 people had the scripts.

  5. These aint fan theories… People who got the chance to somehow glance the script are just trying to wash their hands now… I personally like how thing are gonna turn out. As George Martin said, Bittersweet ending (bitter but also sweet in the end)

  6. I hope this is just fan theory, especially after watching all of Jenish's videos concerning season 8. This doesn't seem to make sense given the time span, however, this would be the beginning of a bittersweet ending.

  7. This isn't bitter sweet its just not good writing. I honestly wish they would just end the show all together so it can still go out damn near flawless. Season7 has been farfetched& at times ridiculous. Now season8 seems 2continue N this area. Just end the show PLZ!


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