Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 3: The Queen’s Justice
Cersei keeps Ellaria and Tyene in the dungeons, and makes her plans of torture known to them. The Mountain just kinda stands there.



  1. Ya know , If shes gonna spend the next ten or twenty years chained to that wall shes gonna need a toilet….. and a free hand….. and the occasional roll of toilet paper. Unless shes gonna have just shit herself every day for the rest of her life , unless someone comes along to clean it up periodically , shes gonna start slipping on it , I suppose the thousands of flies and maggots will take care of some of it but theyre gonna be pretty busy with her daughter. I wonder if shell be given reading material , perhaps a crossword puzzle every so often , something to help take her mind of the cataclysmic stench and the thundering buzz of flies.

  2. ha ha ha ha!!! Ah, Bravo, Cersei, Bravo!!! That poor girl of hers I thought would never get justice but now we see that the evil, evil Dornish mother cunt is no less immune from consequences than anyone else on the show.

  3. Such a satisfying scene. Ellaria was essentially a less interesting version of Cersei. She deserves everything she gets in this scene. Made so many stupid fucking decisions.

  4. See cersi done effed up! Just like how she tried to kill Olena martel with the same poiso that killed joffery.. Olena never knew or saw how the poison worke when she killed joffery( in which i give her a standing ovation👏👏👏👏👏👏 bcuz tht little cunt had it coming!) How can she be sure that the poisoned worked on her daughter??🤔🤔🤔🤔

  5. Please, fellow fans, LIKE if you were mad at Ellaria and the Sand Snakes after the murders of Myrcella, Trystane, Areo and Doran, and wanted them dead YET this horrific punishment from Cersei still Broke you emotionally :'((!!
    PS: Several thanks for this still, Ben Quincy-Shaw ;).

  6. Perfect justice, we learn in season 6 that cersei tortures herself by imagining the state of decay of every dead family member of hers every day, so not only does she exact the same poison on Ellaria's daughter, she subjects Ellaria to the same mental torture she herself endures. Absolutely savage

  7. I dont usually agree with Cersei but I'm on her side with this one. Myrcella was probably the only innocent Lannister and Ellaria killed her, for no other reason but to hurt Cersei. You know wat they say, Karma's a bitch.

    And Im sure its coming for Cersei as well.

  8. Huh. Well, I mean… they can force feed Ellaria all they want, but girl has a stone wall right behind her. She could easily bash her own head open and end her suffering… just sayin.

  9. Myrcella was the only one of the Lannister children I didn't find irritating. She was innocent. Tommen was alright at first but then even he went mad in his own way. But his sister never did anything wrong. They deserved this revenge

  10. Even with that whack ass hair Cersei is so beautiful. Even when instilling pain and suffering onto her enemies, she is just stunning. Lena Headly (spelling?) Is as gorgeous as her performance.

  11. As Cersei was pointing out, there really wasn't a good reason for her to kill Marsella, she did it just because she was there. Now she will suffer for her actions.


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