Charles Dance answers the question of a (quite insistent) fan and denies that Tywin thinks Tyrion is not his son. Tyrion is a Lannister through and through.



  1. Finally we needed someone as smart as Mr Dance to understand it. Tyrion is too smart to be a Targaryen, he inherited his father's wits, making him another random secret Targ would be lame af and would cheapen his character arc. And the dragon thing is NOT an evidence. Queen Rhaenyra was eaten by a dragon and Rhaegal and Viserion didn't attack Missandei either. But if anything, his name would be Hill, not Targaryen.

  2. Out of all of the fan theories, I sincerely hate this one the most. Tyrion, out of all of his siblings, is the most like Tywin, he's just not as ruthless. Genna Lannister, Tywin's younger sister, even said as much. Tywin hates Tyrion because he blames him for his beloved wife's death, no more no less. It also doesn't help that he has this reputation for his house that he can't see undone which is why he is so hard on his children and most importantly Tyrion. I don't think he's even made the correlation, or at least attempted to, between Tyrion's drinking and whoring and the treatment he received at the hands of Tywin, all he sees is this little monster that killed his wife tarnishing his families reputation.

  3. That first question though. Even if it was answered by a possible joke, one might take it to mean that – for all of half a minute – Tywin Lannister would go through a rather unsavory reaction as his tactical and strategic mind suffers a small blue-screen-of-death moment as the Seven Kingdoms are now threatened by a legitimate *army of the dead*. All of the Lannister-led campaigns in the North have merely just given the Others fodder and furthered the Night King's goals.

    Of course, after that moment passes, Tywin would get back to getting shit done, but for that one moment…


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