In the very likely absence of an edition of Screenwipe to make sense of this year, it had felt like we were all going to be denied the benefit of Charlie Brooker’s view on the Game of Thrones finale and the ensuing furore about the coffee cup and the mad queen and the petition and everything else.

Fortunately though, we do now know what he reckoned of it. Speaking to the NME, he broke down season eight and riddled out exactly why it might have felt a bit jarring to a lot of fans.

There was a thread I saw that summed up the difference between a seat-of-the-pants writer and a plotter, and George RR Martin is a seat-of-the-pants writer, creating complicated characters and scenarios and it’s hard to bring those stories to a resolution, hence why the books are slowing down in frequency,” he said.

“The producers of the show have this story created by a seat-of-the-pants writer but they decide they have to bring it to a conclusion, which presents a problem, because characters in plotter stories tend to be a bit thinner. It felt to me like there were romances, for instance, that were built in because they had to happen for the purposes of the story.

“Having said that, I think there was a scene right near the end with the rearranging of the chairs stuff, that really reminded me of early episodes and was really enjoyable to watch. So overall, with the situation they were in, they did a good job.”

So, it was put to Brooker: would you award it 68 per cent on Rotten Tomatoes?

“About that, yes.” Conclusive.

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