Last week, Google rolled out a new ad campaign for Google Chromebooks, its new line of laptops. Naturally, it chose Game of Thrones as a partner, with commercials headlined by none other than the Night King, everyone’s favorite genocidal ice monster.

Don’t you want a Chromebook now?

Jokes aside, it’s a pretty fun ad, and while we only get glimpses of the slideshow in the commercial, some lucky someone had to put the whole thing together. You can see the fruits of their labors here.

They even have an email address at the bottom: [email protected] Someone send them and message and see if you can talk them out of this whole genocide thing.

And of course, never forget the pecking order:

I repeat: whoever got to push this together has a fun job.

In other funnies, let’s check in with YouTuber steve’s ongoing journey through every episode of Game of Thrones, watched completely out of order, for the first time. Today on the docket: “You Win Or You Die,” a key episode from the first season.

You know, I never thought about how gross it was that Tywin is butchering that stag with his bare hands and then touches Jaime on the face. Would that there were showers in Westeros. Also, steve, like many a fan, has a few problems with Ned Stark’s strategy in King’s Landing. “Papa Stark should just become the king and put everybody else in prison, including Rat Assistant.”

Finally, what happens when Travel + Leisure sends photographer Logan Hill to Game of Thrones shooting locations in Iceland armed with nothing but a camera and a few action figures? This happens:

Head here to share in more of Hill’s Icelandic adventure, for which he was prepped by Game of Thrones still photographer Helen Sloan. “You MUST wear layers!” she advised. “[I]magine that [Game of Thrones] soundtrack in your head. That always works for me.”

Announcing WiC Club: the most exclusive club this side of the wall

Announcing WiC Club: the most exclusive club this side of the wall

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