Filming on Game of Thrones season 8 chugs on, and the sets continue to grow and change. We’ve had our eye on an enormous set — the largest they’ve ever built — being constructed at Titanic Studios in Belfast, Northern Ireland for a while. Today, some new photos have surfaced. Beware light SPOILERS below.

The set is standing in for King’s Landing, and the new photos come from Twitter’s own .

Let’s see what we can see.

The first photo is a bird’s eye view of the set, although it’s kind of hard to make out what exactly we’re looking at.

Below, we get a view from the back. Note all the vans. Whatever they’re filming requires a supply train.

Photo number three is taken from the Titanic Museum side of things, giving us a more encompassing view of the area.

The tower — seen to the right of the center of the frame above — is one of the more finished structures in the set. Here’s a view from closer up:

Finally,  diagrammed what the complex looks like in the abstract:

What’s actually going to be filmed on this set? That’s rather a bigger spoiler, but if you want to know, click here.

Keep on keeping a lid on things, HBO.

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h/t Watchers on the Wall



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