Twenty more glossy, high-quality photos depicting scenes from “Beyond the Wall,” this Sunday’s new episode of Game of Thrones, have surfaced on FarFarAwaySite, the internet’s foremost photo-mavens. (Really, the site it so great.) Check them out below.

Predictably, a good chunk of the photos from “Beyond the Wall” depict events from…beyond the Wall. Above, you can see several members of Jon Snow’s SEAL Team Six marching through the frigid wilds. Check out some more group shots below:

Who would win in a fight between Tormund and the Hound? It looks like these two are wondering that themselves.

Below, Game of Thrones’ own Jorah Mormont gets not one, not two, but THREE close-ups all to himself, as is the natural order of things:

Moving on to Winterfell, we get several shots of Arya looking placid and Sansa looking upset:

Littlefinger sneaks in there, too, smiling his lizard’s smile.

We also get a quick moment with Brienne of Tarth:

Finally, we head to Dragonstone, where Daenerys and Tyrion chat by the fireside while Jon Snow and his A-Team freeze their butts off beyond the Wall.

Tyrion steps outside at some point, though:

“Beyond the Wall” airs this Sunday at 9:00 p.m. It’s also leaked — if you’ve already seen it and want to talk about it, please head here. For everyone else, let us know what you think of the new pictures!

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