Over the weekend, the Los Angeles Times posted an article about how, coming up on season 7, Game of Thrones has become “an unlikely tale of female empowerment.” It’s an interesting article, and concerns subject matter we’ve tackled on WiC before, but for the purposes of this post, we’re interested in something else. Along with the commentary, the Times posted three new stills from the upcoming season, each of them featuring a different character: Sansa, Daenerys, and Arya. Let’s take a look.

None of these shots are revelatory, but this one of Sansa is probably the most interesting because it gives us a closer look at her outfit. In Season 7, the lady of winter will be rocking black fur, black leather, some badass direwolf clasps at her throat, and a chain. It’s as close to a heavy metal look as the show has gotten.

Here’s another new look at her outfit:

Dany is also wearing black. It’s gonna be that kind of season.

Although, if you look at it closely, there’s red weaved in there, too. And the scales on the shoulders are striking. These costumes are crazy detailed. Except Arya.

Anyway, this shot looks like it’s from the same scene we’ve glimpsed in the trailer and previous images: Dany and company (notice half of Varys on the left side of the frame) arriving at Dragonstone. As of this image, they are still gobsmacked.

Finally, we have another shot of Arya in a cloak sitting somewhere with warm colors. We’ve got an idea where she is, but we won’t drop any potential spoilers here.

Let’s see what else the internet delivers before season 7 debuts on July 16.



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