Warning: Spoilers for “Game of Thrones” below!

CNN’s Chris Cuomo pointed out on Monday that some 3,500 American girls have been named either Daenerys or Khaleesi in honor of the “Game of Thrones” character — something parents may now regret given the dark turn of events on the HBO show Sunday night.

Cuomo asked fellow CNN host Don Lemon: “If you’re a parent, and you named your kid after a character in a TV show that you love, and that character winds up being a homicidal maniac, what do you do?”

Lemon had an “easy” answer:

Vuture and BuzzFeed spoke to some parents who named their kids after the “Game of Thrones” character, and they didn’t seem to have any regrets.

What girl hasn’t overreacted when they see their whole world crumbling around them?” Nikki Sotto, who has a daughter named Khaleesi, told BuzzFeed. “I feel for her.”

Hector Morales Rivera, who has a 6-year-old daughter named Daenerys, also has no regrets. 

I still love her name,” he told Vulture. “I have very fond memories because of that name, because of how attached I have been to this series.”

He added, however, that he’s not happy with how the character has turned out on the show. 

“It might be a good learning opportunity as well,” Danny Cisneros, who also has a 6-year-old Daenerys, told Vulture. “To show how even good deeds can go astray with bad decisions.”



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