People keep talking about Chris Pratt and Anna Farsi’s divorce, a husband’s instagram post about his plus size wife and leaked Game of Thrones episodes.


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  1. For 1 her name is "Faris" and 2 Chris Pratt will never call you lol you think a hollywood pretty boy that can have any piece of ass he wants is gonna hook up with you…..? Hahahaha keep dreamin.

  2. I understand that the guy probably thought he was doing something inspiring by telling men it's okay to love a curvy girl, but did he really have to put down other types of women in the process? He couldn't just making a loving post about his wife without offending others?

  3. Theres more to a person then their appearance. My boyfriend is with me because of who I am as a person not because I'm fat or skinny. There is nothing brave in loving a fat girl and nothing to be appluaded for. Loving someone and thinking you need to be appluaded for it because they don't meet societies standards of beauty is just shitty. I'd be so fucking pissed if my significant other posted something like that. There are sooooo many men and women who are in a relationship with plus size people, find them very attractive.

  4. I get where the dude was coming from, but he said it in SUCH a douchey way. I will admit that it was a revelation to my plus-size self that some men are actually more attracted to me than to thin women. I literally never realized that was possible until I was in university, and that's pretty fuckin' sad too. I do think society paints men into a corner, in terms of what they're "allowed" to be attracted to, but I think that's more of a conversation men need to have with each other, and less a thing to be declaring at someone, online. We can't keep doing all the hard work for them, at some point men have to change their own society, and dialogue; in much the same way some women are doing with body positivity, and trying to end unnecessary competitiveness between women. I know some men are trying to change the conversation, but I find they get a lot more hate from other men.

  5. No woman should be a trophy for their husband, partner, boyfriend, etc. Bodies of fat people, are so often discussed without the voice of the person who exists in that body. I hope my boyfriend would never do something like this to me, because my body is for me to speak about and not his. Attraction and love is one thing, but for a parter to self congratulate himself publicly for being so much better than others for seeing the beauty that somehow no one sees, is disgusting behavior. This goes for anyone of color being used as a pawn, or anyone who identifies in the LGBTQ+ spectrum. No one deserves to be used as a prop for the self congratulatory gain of their parter.

  6. Chris Pratt gave his elderly cat away ON TWITTER (you know, an audience of people that might care more about getting something from their fave celebrity than they do about the actual LIVING CREATURE on the line) because they were THINKING about trying to have kids. They had plenty of time to re-home their incontinent old kitty because Faris wasn't even pregnant yet, but Pratt decided to just throw her to the crowd instead. He then talked shit about the people who thought that his shitty behavior was shitty. Faris' dog was also found malnourished on the street and the dog's chip led back to her, so either the dog escaped and she made no effort to find him or she gave him away despite signing a contract saying she wouldn't rehome him SPECIFICALLY to prevent this kind of thing from happening. Listen, I know the two are separate people, but they were married so that dog was just as much his responsibility when it comes to that sweet little puppers' well-being.

    So girl he is all yours. He might make you give away Margo, but he's all yours.

  7. To me it is sad. I have ALWAYS loved big girls. I have never hidden it and have gotten rid of so called "friends" who didn't or couldn't accept my choice of women. Kudos to him. I think his words are taken out of context. Could have been worded better but his heart was in the right place and that is what should be applauded


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