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As we continue to mark our 20th anniversary with an all-star roster of HBO comics, Chris Rock wonders what ever happened to African Americans in baseball?

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  1. It's my favorite sport to watch, regardless of who decides to play. Don't like it or don't think it's cool enough?….don't watch. Nobody cares. If you won't watch something, because young black people don't like it…. that says something about you, not baseball. American or not, there are a LOT of black people in MLB, and it's not going anywhere. Baseball is global now. Try watching the World Baseball Classic next time, and check out the roster for Team USA. You'll find a few black people, if that's what makes you happy.

  2. Why don't the "Ten Percenters" just die! Always causing trouble, on government assistance and not contributing anything positive to this country. We can kill cockroaches but this race gets a pass??

  3. Baseball is too slow for a lot of people of all races. But as black out of wedlock birth rates have gone up, the number of baseball prospects from that community goes down. Applies to all races. Studies have showed this. Baseball is a sport you usually learn from your dad.

    I like the NBA even though I'm half white, half Asian. Do I give a flying expletive at the race of the athletes? No.

    Baseball is too long and slow for many. It's also not ingrained in many people's cultures. Baseball doesn't want to change, not cause they hate minorities, but because it's always been one way, and they want to keep it as close as they can to that.

  4. Whether or not you are black or not you have to admit baseball needs to be more diverse……black players made baseball just as much as the white players. Jackie Robinson and others are turning in their graves over baseball being 6-8%.

  5. At 5 min CR said he cares about this as a fan not a black man yet spends the whole segment taking about race. It was more like a civil rights speech than a take on baseball.

  6. What a bunch of racial horseshit! The reason there aren't more black players in professional baseball is simple–although many people don't want to accept it, and insist on putting a racial spin on it. Hitting a baseball with a bat is something that a white guy ( or a Hispanic) can do just as well as a black guy. Pitching a baseball 90 miles an hour for 60-70 times a game is also something that a white guy can do just as well as a black guy. Running faster or leaping harder and farther doesn't give anyone an advantage in baseball. And if blacks are indeed a minority in the country (15 percent ?) naturally there are going to be fewer black players. As far as the fans are concerned, black fans have historically followed sports in which black players excel–which is what accounts for the falling black baseball fan.

  7. I just lost so much respect for Chris Rock. Not as a person just on the subject. Black kids don't want to play baseball they choose basketball and football and yes I did say choose. He made some good points about the young demographic and how baseball does a terrible job at being "hip" but ratings are actually up while the super bowl and regular season football ratings dropped almost 10%last year

  8. Rock's take annoys the hell out of me. Treat people as individuals. Individual people enjoy different activities and some of those individuals are dark skinned and some of those activities involve baseball. Shame on you if you let your skin color dictate your thoughts

  9. Baseball's been the national pastime no matter who played it. The game does need to be sped up though. Golf and tennis were just fine before Tiger/Serena too and will be just fine when they finally fucking retire. Hockey is at it's most popular. Football has peaked and will be on the decline in the coming decades most likely, but will still exist and be just fine. I like Chris Rock, but this piece was just off base (pun intended). The NBA is unwatchable.

  10. He makes valid points… baseball should try and be a litter hipper. Not to only attract blacks but to attract young americans. Key thing = Little league participation is dwindling. I'd hate to see baseball turn into a league dominated by non americans. Young Americans are not that into baseball. Players should be allowed to bat flip on homers and/or take a celebratory walking pace halfway to first and upon approaching home plate. Any pitcher that tries to beam them for celebrating should be suspended and that batter should be allowed to take home if it can be determined that he was beamed for celebrating. Everything else should stay. Organ music and all.

  11. Another reason for people my age (22) is that we loved Barry Bonds and Sammy Sosa during the steroid era. Then they took our heroes and strung them up like common trash during the BALCO scandal and it turned us off completely.

  12. The only reason why football is so popular is because anyone can pretend to be a fan one day a week for 17 weeks, even though flags and reviews take the life out of the game. And NFL games are statistically longer, so don't come at me with the length of baseball games. Also, the NFL is the real no fun league, the only team that has an issue with bat flips are the bitch ass Cardinals

  13. Baseball is the most boring thing on Earth. I went to a Phillies game back in September, and I wouldn't be able to tell you what went on. I didn't even know the game was over until everyone started leaving


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