“Mad Men” stars John Slattery and Christina Hendricks apparently can’t get enough of each other.
Slattery cast Hendricks as the lead in his directorial debut, “God’s Pocket,” which premiered at the Sundance Film Festival on Friday.
Slattery also co-wrote the movie, based on a novel, and Philip Seymour Hoffman plays Hendricks’ husband.
“John mentioned that he had the script a while back. And he said that he was interested in me doing it. And I was honored and flattered. Then I didn’t hear about it for a while,” Hendricks said. “Then I heard him on set talking about casting about this movie. And he hadn’t talked to me again. And I was like, I don’t want to bring it up because I don’t want him to feel pressure. Maybe he has changed his mind and I don’t want it to be awkward. But then he came back to me and he still wanted me so I was so relieved.”
Slattery called it “miraculous” that his film made it to Sundance, after pushing Hoffman repeatedly to join the project.
“I couldn’t fit it in somehow. Or I don’t know why. I just never said yes. But he kind of kept on me,” Hoffman said. “And then I eventually ran into him on the street. And he said ‘Listen, I’m not going to make it unless you do it.’ He pretty much just kind of flat out just told me that. I’m like huh. Wow. Then I realized I couldn’t stop thinking about the script. I really couldn’t. It’s a beautiful story. It’s really something else, actually. So eventually I said all right, let’s just go. We’ll figure it out. And then we did.”
Hendricks said she was thinking seriously about life after “Mad Men,” and hopes to join another cable TV series.
“I would like to continue in television. It’s something that’s been really good for both of us. We’ve really enjoyed that medium. And the beauty of cable is you get to both. Because of this wonderful schedule you can do 13 episodes and then on our hiatuses can do films like this. So you really get to have your cake and eat it too. So if I can continue doing that on something I love, I would feel really blessed,” she said.
The Sundance Film Festival continues through Jan. 26.

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