Have you seen this missing pet bird?

Fawkes, a much-loved three-year-old male cockatiel, has gone missing.

Owner Kevin Howe is appealing for members of the public to keep an eye out for him around Loughton – although it is possible he may have gone further.

Mr Howe said: He went missing on Monday, August 10 at about 9 am from Hanson Drive and was last seen around the Burney Drive and Westall road in the trees on the green areas. He was also seen in the area of the five arches.

“Posts have been put up on several of the local Facebook groups Epping forest neighbourhood watch UK and Loughton residents group and Loughton mums and dads.”

Fawkes will respond to most whistle noises, says Mr Howe,

The cockatiel also has his own distinct whistles, which include The Simpsons and Game of Thrones theme tunes.

He is described as a small bird, with a grey body, white edge on wings, light yellow face with two red cheek patches and a tall grey crest on the top of his head.

Mr Howe added: “If anyone has Information or recent sightings we would be really grateful if they could let us know.

“My number is 07709044650 or 02085022947.”

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