Joe Rogan talks about the 10% of vegans and all the annoying things they say and do.
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  1. I love Rogans podcast and seen clips of his stand up which I always thought was shit, but this has redeemed the lost faith I had in his routines – this was hilarious – especially the the dog n milk bit haha

  2. Isn't fucking being a vegan all about the movement? Why the fuck would a vegan not tell anyone? I know it's his comedy skit. But it's obvious that the meatheads whine twice as much as the vegans. Whaaa! They're trying to take away my grizzle steak that I can barely digest. That's what it is. Your all fucking scared. But probably both myself and Joe will be dead by the time that happens. But we all know it's going to happen. VEGAN!!!!

  3. We are animals (omnivores) and part of the cycle of nature. If we didn't start eating meat then our brains would not have developed like it has and we would still be prey on the food chain.

  4. Funny, but very untrue. Especially since Joe is really vocal about his diet and lifestyle too, I find this hypocritical. I agree with him that a purely vegan diet is far from optimal and he does raise 1-2 good points but the "vegans are so vocal about being vegan" argument is really lazy.

  5. I dont care what anybody says. I eat meat and Im a bad person for it. You cant support the torture and murder of animals for only the taste, and consider yourself a good person. EspecIally when plant alternatives are available. I know Im a piece of shit for it

  6. I see most of the points vegans make and it makes sense but the only part I dislike about 80% of vegans is the fact that they THINK they’re better than “meat eaters” (that’s the term I’ve seen most of them use, LOL) most of my friends and me have a regular diet and are healthier than most of them vegans. I personally kill (and grow almost everything else in my family’s farm) everything my family and I eat and I couldn’t be fucking happier. There ain’t nothing like snapping a chickens neck after it’s given enough eggs and it’s still tender and young. There ain’t nothing like bow hunting the food I eat and I’m as healthy (I’d say healthier but that’s up to debate) as most vegans (shitty genetics got me and I was born with asthma but I haven’t had an episode since I was 7, LOL) eating meat at least 4 times a week. But at the end of day, our diet is better than theirs on a survival situation. Just drop any of em on the woods and see them come up dead or resort to eating meat in less than 2 weeks. They’re all a fucking joke

  7. I swear my grandparents use butter for everything shampoo deodorant toothpaste all the food from eggs steak cooked on the grill with smoke and fire witch that causes cancer now too one relative left 118 smoking cigars and drinking vodka the youngest person to die with 72 and was my vegan aunt her husband outlived her and he loved chicken fried steaks he still alive today he's like a hundred

  8. Drop me with a vegan in the rain forest where 50 percent of the plants are deadly and the rest are 5 days walk away where you must climb to reach them, and are littered with deadly snakes, spiders, centipedes etc. Give me a week or so and i will shot a monkey and grill it, and that vegan will tear into it. Because veganism isnt a human trait, its a choice. But eating food when you are starving is a human trait. Veganism is like being a snob. I have known a few people who all of a sudden became vegans, and before that they enjoyed meat like any other human. But they were snobs, and veganism was the in thing to do.

  9. Flying planes vs drinking milk of another species past puberty?
    Flying planes is an activity. Drinking milk is a diet, an ingestion which far greatly affects our molecular level than a bit of motion.
    Bad comparison, Joe.


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