Here we are again.. It’s the end of October and there are more Game of Thrones Season 8 Outlines or (Leaks) circulating the internet.. This was sent to me via Email last night.. After reading it I was speechless. I thought about deleting it but I figured some of you may get some amusement out of this also and who knows.. Maybe this person will get lucky and guess a few things right.. I’m not sure if this is a collection or theories, a plot leak, or just someone’s fan fiction. Either way hopefully you can be entertained by it for a little while. Just take everything you hear in this video with a grain of salt.. I highly doubt this is a legitimate Game of Thrones Season 8 Plot Leak.. But hey, you be the judge.. Leave your questions and comments down below. Thanks for watching!

Images from Game of Thrones are property of their creators, used here under fair use.

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  1. I am loving the responses to this.. You have not disappointed me.. I knew most of you would find the humor and entertainment value in this as I did… For the few of you saying you are unsubscribing because I posted this is ridiculous and all I can say to you is… BYE

  2. My theory …
    Well its simple 😎😎
    Lets see how many of you agree 🤔
    Jon nd khaleesi wins the war ,marry each other and have a son all lanisters die except the dwarf 😈
    King is jon nd obviously the queen is
    Faceless man turns out to be Ned stark

  3. the fact that whoever wrote this has to provide "explanations" and "supporting evidence" like "this was foreshadowed this season" makes me inclined to say it's fanfiction as well

  4. Wow, this is actually so "good" that D&D might be inspired from it. After all, they really don't know what else to do with the characters left in the show. One abomination after another… For a show which wanted to reject the fairy tale stereotypes, they actually ended up respecting them all. It has gotten to a point where nothing is logically connected anymore. In the beginning, real actions had real consequences, no matter who you were. This is why Ned's, Catelyn's or Robb's and Joffrey's deaths had meaning and emotional impact. Now, my constant reaction is "Whaaaaat?!" I've really stopped caring about the two main characters. If they live, they get a fairy-tale ending, so it's no surprise there. If they die, their deaths are completely meaningless NOW, especially since they all could've gotten killed during the expedition beyond the wall. Somehow they lived only so they could f…k and make babies together. So basically Jon lived so that the dewey-eyed fans could see his magnifcent behind on camera and then he dies in the first or second episode of season 8. He gets resurrected and dies AGAIN. Really?!

  5. That was some really well written fanfiction in my opinion. I could really picture the events 😄 though, I think a few things were missing in the episodes, one being Bronn?
    But if he won't show up in paparazzi pics, I will start worrying a bit 😄


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