Earlier this week, HBO dropped the first official trailer for the eighth and final season of Game of Thrones. It was spectacular, but it ends up we didn’t see the full thing. Conan O’Brien revealed the rest on his show the other night.

But before we get to that, who wants to laugh? This could help. The Scottish sketch show Burnistoun put together a pretty funny bit lampooning the show’s expansive, hard-to-remember cast. It feels like it was produced a while back, but who cares? It’s funny:

Sticking with blasts from the past, this fan only just recently watched Joffrey Baratheon die at his own wedding feast, and her boyfriend had the presence of mind to record it. Watch, and remember how great it felt:

Good times.

Finally, the moment we’re all here for: Conan O’Brien reveals the last few seconds of the new Game of Thrones trailer that most of the public didn’t see. I should warn you: there are pretty big spoilers ahead.

Damn, I never would have thought HBO would be so up front about who dies in season 8. Is the drama now gone for anyone else? I’ll still watch, I guess.

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Announcing WiC Club: the most exclusive club this side of the wall

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