Quite a few techniques use the back edge of a sword, also known as the False edge, or the Short edge. This episode we cover some of the particularly good looking ones with the Longsword, and the Messer.

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Weapons used in video:
Longswords – Black Horse Blades
Messers: SGT

Hot Pursuit Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License



  1. Hey everyone! We're back! 🙂

    A huge thank you to our patreon supporters, we would not have been able to afford a new camera without you.
    Couple things that you may be thinking with this video:
    1. A false edge cut with a messer won't cut since only the end is sharp, but getting absolutely smashed in the head or the arm with it would definitely leave you vulnerable to a follow up strike

    2. Yes, these are all doable. Each technique shown here are ones that have been successful done in sparring against an unwilling opponent.

    Hope you all had fantastic holidays, we're looking forward to getting back into the swing of things. Thank you all again for your patience!

  2. So, as someone who has no idea about HEMA techniques and styles save for watching few videos, can someone explain to me the necessity of that arm-behind-the-back-thing that is done with the messers? I'm assuming there is a practical point in doing that, apart from "I can beat you with one arm" statement which may or may not actually exist.

    Apart from that, this looks really great.

  3. Quite nice. I thought I was subbed already, but apparently YouTube disagreed…who knows. Something I would really love to see more of in the future is explanation and demonstration of Messer techniques. I enjoy the longsword stuff, but I feel like there's a weird vacuum of quality/detailed Messer content on YouTube that you would be perfect to fill.

  4. I really wish I were up where you guys are… I live in northern Indiana and there's just no major HEMA groups. Sure we have Larp groups and whatnot but nothing that focuses on historical combat… It makes me wonder if lessons can be done via video chat or something similar?

  5. Hey, can you guys do a video on rapier techniques? Im really into olympic fencing and it would be very nice to see the difference between the two in your videos, since you guys have the best videos on HEMA around (so many people brag about it but few really do a demonstrantion on a topic thats so practical)

  6. I have a small suggestion. It might be beneficial to indicate (maybe a green arrow over the head?) which fencer is about to execute the technique. Definitely on the first few, I couldn't tell who I was supposed to be watching.


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