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  1. The Bronn-Reyne thing would give the first scene with Bronn and Tywin a completely new connotation. Tyrion wants to introduce Bronn to his father by saying "This is Bronn, son of…" and the he looks at Bronn because he doesn't know the answer himself. And Bronn simply tells Tywin "You wouldn't know him." It would be a very clever twist if Bronn was a Reyne because that would mean that Tywin actually would know his father pretty well and that he most likely would kill Bronn, if he knew the truth…

  2. if john is a tarragon why doesn't he have silver hair? you might say that he inherited his mother lyann's hair color, but tangerines have married with other house before and their silver hair is always present, with whoever has valyrian blood

  3. I believe that Bronn is of House Reyne. Think about it. Ever since he's met with "a" Lannister he's worked very close with them. He's constantly asked for greater amounts in compensation/reward for his services. On NUMEROUS occasions he's asked for enough money to buy lands, a castle, and much more. Why would a sellsword want all this? Why would he need all this? Because he's a nobody sellsword trying to become a known house? Then why the Lannisters? Sure the Lannisters are wealthy but you also had the Tyrells who were also bloodly wealthy. Not only this he also plays political games, choosing when and when not to help if it doesn't help his cause or win him anything. S7 finale also showed he's not willing to part with the Lannisters and that kind of gave it away, that he WANTS something from them. Me thinks he's trying to build up towards something, betray the Lannisters as coldly as they annihilated his family, and then re-establish House Reyne.

  4. I'm sorry but your theories are bullshit most of the time. I mean it this not even a good theory at all. At least try to create something to ponder. Like maybe he was a former member of the nightswatch?


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