In today’s Awesomely Average Theory we discuss the potential that Jaqen H’Ghar might actually be a character we believe to be dead! Who is Jaqen H’Ghar!? Many theories surround the potential identity of the faceless man, and this theory in particular seems to be catching attention! With the affection for Arya Stark, the links to rubies and the red god, not knowing where hes buried and that awesome blonde streak… Could Jaqen H’ghar actually be Rhaegar Targaryen!?!?!

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Big Wills Theories is dedicated to the best theories surrounding our favourite TV shows and movies including Game Of Thrones and The Walking Dead. The Awesomely Average Theories could be crazy fan theories or realistic predictions of whats going to happen! So make sure you subscribe and join the Awesomely Average Army!



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  1. Mark my words, Jaqen H'ghar is not Rheagar, he is non other than Jon's older brother also named Aegon, remember when the mountain was sent to kill Elia Martell and her son and daughter? Varys was supposed to switch Aegon for a farmer's boy, and since then he dyed his hair and lived in another continent hiding his true identity, so my prediction for the finale of GoT is this….When the battle between the night king riding Viserion, Dany riding Drogon, and Jon riding Rhaegal, in a moment of dispair, Jaqen (Aegon) will come just in the right momment riding a new dragon and together they will kill the night king, this would also be symbolic, as Dany, Jon and Aegon would represent the Targaryen emblem, the three headed dragon. Hope you like this theory guys, wouldn't it be awsome?

  2. It's not impossible, but if I was Rhaegar and knew the man that had protected my son was dead I would head to the wall to be with my son. Crossing paths with Arya who saved his life he decided to save hers and train her to fight and survive

  3. We all know that GRRM loves to play with names and their meaning – jaqen or is a dereliction of the name James which has the meaning of "the hidden one" so his name means hidden h'ghar…. you can put the rest together. Also would the real Rheaghar was taught to fight by ser arthur Dane and probably used 2 swords and would have beaten Robert… but he didn't, which also suggests that it was someone else 'dressed' as him… just a theory

  4. basecly you didnt need to think at all….just watch every time jaquen shows up and hear carefully….you can hear a harp playing in the back ground…so…Rhaegar use to play…Kaquen is Rhaegae…Geroge R.R.Marting spoiled us from the begini and no one noticed it;)

  5. (I wrote this on another video but it has more detail) Read on for a super long but detailed explanation as to why many people believe J'aqen H'ghaar is actually Rhaegar Targaryen:

    When Rhaegar was killed at the trident his chest armour was covered in red rubies. We know now that red rubies are used for disguising "glamouring" peoples appearances (like how the red woman uses them). This small detail makes us wonder, why include that Rhaegar was wearing red rubies at the trident? What is the significance of this?

    When Rhaegar was killed, his body was rummaged and then basically disappeared. Robert would have mutilated it, however, Targaryen loyalists claimed they took the body back and cremated it. Here is the theory:

    Rhaegar, being the prince who has the ability to form connections and meet all sorts of people, sought out a red witch (we know there are many, with many different abilities, "glamouring" being one of them). Rhaegar then had the witch glamour one of his most loyal soldiers and sent this individual into battle instead knowing he would surely be defeated, especially without Arthur Dayne beside him. Rhaegar was determined to fulfill the prophecy of the prince that was promised, a silly war with Robert Baratheon meant nothing to him. His honour lay with the prophecy of his unborn child, not his fathers war. He would do anything to make sure the prophecy was fulfilled. He was obsessed with it (true fact).

    Rhaegar in this time was attempting to do something, maybe find something, find a maester, information, save someone, was hiding, this part is unclear. However, he learns that Lyanna has died during childbirth and as for the baby? He has no idea what happened to him, if he was killed, taken by a midwife, or died during birth as well.

    I believe he somehow learns that Ned took the baby and accepts that he will be raised as a bastard with his identity kept secret. Perhaps Rhaegar arrives at the Tower of Joy right after Lyanna dies and together with Ned they make the decision to raise him as Neds bastard in secret. I'm sure Rhaegar will do anything to keep his last child alive.

    Now look at Rhaegars situation at this point in time. His wife and kids have been murdered. His other wife died during childbirth. His father has been killed and overthrown. His mother has died in childbirth with Dany. His two siblings have been shipped off to god knows where in hiding. He cannot raise his son because then both of them will die. His state of being is completely tragic at this point.

    Rhaegar knows he cannot be Rhaegar in Westeros. If anyone recognizes him, figures out who he is, or learns of it, there is the threat of death. He cannot trust anyone. If Robert learns he is alive, he will not stop till he is dead.

    Rhaegar also has no life left. All the people he loves are either dead or missing. His whole way of life has been destroyed. He has no family, money, position of power or army. He has NOTHING in Westeros. So what do you do when you can't show your face outside? You run.

    Rhaegar then travels overseas and lives there for a period of time. That is until he meets the faceless men somehow. Perhaps he knows of them already and seeks them out, perhaps he stumbles upon them. The dilemma here is: BUT RHAEGAR HATED KILLING?! HE WOULD NEVER BECOME AN ASSASSIN.

    Rhaegar was traumatized and quite frankly, wasn't Rhaegar anymore. Perhaps he found solace/peace in the religious teachings of the faceless men. Perhaps he has deep rooted anger and revenge plans that he has hidden. Perhaps his entire outlook on life changed when he lost everything and he didn't look at murder the same way again. Perhaps he found comfort in becoming "no one" in the sense that he knew his true identity would never be revealed and he could be safe.

    Lets for a moment take a look at J'aqen H'ghaar. His hair: why on earth does his hair have 1 white streak? Perhaps becoming no one is not as easy as he makes it seem and maybe he keeps that one strand of white hair to remind himself of who he really is. Maybe he truly does not want to be no one. Now lets look at his name: J'aqen H'ghaar. If you say his name 5 times fast, tell me what does it sound like? Dragon Rhaegar. We know from the story that Rhaegar was obsessed with dragons and the prophecy of the dragon having 3 heads. Maybe, a clue from RR Martin about his true identity. ALSO, he's very good looking… Like very good looking and fits the description for Rhaegar in many ways. Eye colour? Not purple, but neither is Danys in the show. Hair colour? Not white, but could be magic, or dye (once again, why the white strip?). Other than that, he looks a lot like an aged Rhaegar and is the same age as Rhaegar would be.

    NOW lets take a look at where we find him. We find J'aqen in Westeros shortly after Robert Baratheon dies. Is it a coincidence? Or did Rhaegar finally feel safe enough to return? Safe enough for Jon to be who he truly is? Perhaps Rhaegar knew Jon had lived all these years but never wanted to come into his life with the fear of his own death, as well as the revelation of who Jon was. Perhaps he knew that the best way to keep Jon safe was to stay far away. Perhaps he knew that Ned was doing a great job hiding him.

  6. What about Aegon ? It makes more sense. A boy hidden among the Faceless Men. Takes a revenge for his father. There is fake Arya in the book. The real one meets Jaqen at Harrenhal where Rhaegar met Lyanna then she hides in Braavos. Fake Aegon tries to win the throne while the real one seeks for hidden truth in the Citadel.

  7. Jaqen and Rheagar also share the same personality: Ironic, sad, and a loner. Rheagar was "born in grief". Also when Jaqen appear we can hear harp music. That could be a hint.

  8. I've come across this theory and not only do I like it, have to say it does make sense considering your outline of points, especially the use of rubies for glamour. What do you think of Jaqen's visit to Oldtown in the books? Some fans say he's there to find out how to hatch a dragon. He met up with Sam Tarly too. Might be a nice topic to explore as a follow up on this theory. Btw, Rhaegar and Lyanna met at Harrenhal and almost all of the Jaqen and Arya scenes happened there too. Not to mention Arya keeps on noticing the half side of Jaqen H'ghar's hair which is Targaryen silver-ish. He also called her My Lady of Stark before going to Oldtown. Hope this theory plays in the next season. Subscribed! More JH=RT vids please.

  9. Hello, I very much like this theory. I'm not sure how true it is, but it would be nice if it were true. I enjoyed your video very much. Keep up the good work, young man. Take care.


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