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  1. curious, in season 4 episode 7, melissandre is taking a bath, when stannis's wife comes in, and she is not wearing her brooch, and she still appears young and appealing. does this not contradict that when she is wearing the brooch she is beautiful and when it is taken off she is her true self?

  2. i think rheagar targaryen doesnt look that magnificent on the TV show because he didnt wear any rubbies., people used to see rheagar with rubbies.. on the show. i think rheagar wanted lyanna to see the real him.

  3. Maybe the ground under Valyria just gave in because of all the extensive underground mining…after all, tremors are a common occurrence in large cities where mining has been happening for centuries, so imagine that effect but amplified by an extra 4000+ years of unrelenting extraction and you get yourself the mess that was the doom. It could also explain why the peninsular broke apart.

  4. Here's fuel for a theory; what if the red priestess is a surviving valyrian? What if after the volcanic eruption, the attackers of valyrian unleashed a disease, say greyscale, that effects only those with valyrian blood-even just a trace. What if Melishandra finally realizes that her abilities are triggered and fueled by valyrian blood in general and Targaryian blood especially as it is the purist valyrian bloodline. What would happen if she were the key to a cure for greyscale? Releasing thousands of valyrians…and their swords to fight a last ditch battle against the white walkers?

  5. Remind me how she can look young in that last bathtub shot without her Glamour Ruby? It's been a while since I've seen it, so I can't remember if it was ever explained in any way…. If it hasn't been, then seriously wtf.

  6. I know your hearts inthe right place, but you're wildly speculating on a television series and a series of novels, neither of which are finished yet. It's overboard. No offense

  7. fire is used in almost every ritual going back hundreds of years in every civilization, after all what else could be used? val;yria had a volcanic eruption.. howabout that…. no theory no delving deeper needed,

  8. Its not obsurd in the slightest,,,, a beautiful priestess will always get more followers than an old crow who can barely walk! everything does not need to have a massive backstory and secret targaryens ffs!

  9. Using fire to defeat the dragon-rider overlords rings true. Slaves after all just need some sticks and a stone to strike a fire and pray .

    Melissandra told Dany she was once a slave. She appreciated Dany's title "Breaker of Chains" . Your theory about the Red Priestess/Priest religion destroying a dragon enforced empire has potential.

  10. GOT 's Red Priestesses: only the best womanly faces will do – in public. Reasons abound in a tale filled with brutality and unforgiving environments. Old age or uselessness were sometimes given as an excuse to burn people as religious sacrifices; so, best never to look like the meat for the grill. Always shine brighter than the lights you want to attract. THINK MOTH. THINK FLAME.

    I could make an argument about the show's stereotypical branding. It allowed scruffy aging men magical power ( Brotherhood 's drunkard Priest ). I don't support the stereotype , but understand it. Why ? ME Europe up until Old Salem eras promoted the fear of Old Wise Woman casting them as evil and untrustworthy. Yes, Middle Age's powerful killed beautiful women suspected of magical abilities. Just not as often as the old and wrinkled women. Not surprisingly, Red Priestess wore the shield of good looks in GOT before others earning protection and influence at the start.

    OLD NAN was probably written outside that historical assumption because she used no magic or medicines. OLD NAN was just an elderly nanny ; a knitting old lady that told a good story.
    Funny. Her stories started coming true. She's survived at least one long winter already. I wonder. Is OLD NAN , warm-handed in a cold room, a true-faced Red Priestess ?

  11. IDK why I'm still shocked by how clueless y'all are when it comes to this, but…an unattractive woman has no particular advantage over a (hetero) man unless she is smarter, wealthier and/or stronger than he is. An attractive woman often has a distinct advantage over a man, especially a weak-willed and capricious one, without being smarter, wealthier and/or stronger. If I was a woman interested in maintaining a position of power in a male-dominated world and I could change my appearance to be perpetually young, beautiful and desirable…it doesn't take a fuckin genius to figure out what the best course of action is there.

  12. POSSIBLE GOT THEORY : The lady Melissandre is a servant of the lord of light doing his bidding as he commands it, but what is not known is that the lord of light is the once mad ruler of old Valeria and the lady Melissandre is his consort but had plans of her own to become absolute ruler of old valeria.!. like pieces on a chessboard they plotted and planned but it all came to nothing in the end where in a mad power struggle for control of all valeria Melissandre played her part too well and the old king Thal Magulus went insane trying to regain his position and throne from out of the clutches of Melissandre. the capital city of old valeria was originally ruled by none other than…. Thal Magulus ( more commonly know as the first family to rule valeria ) hundreds of years ago, a family i might add that ruled with an iron fist and brutally put down any attempts at rebellion by other valerian families allied against him. when the families of Valeria rose up against him he fought back in the only way he knew how sabotaging the thermal vents below the capital city with giant barrels of * dragon fire * being thrown into the main thermal vent which we have seen time and again throughout the current series of GOT. a thermal vent that sat upon the top of an active volcano caldera known as * the mountain of fire * that covered some 100 square miles underneath the capitol this gigantic caldera is what supplied the capitol city with all its power heating, light, raw metals ( valerian steel ) etc. it has been mentioned many times that the ancient capitol city was so advanced it was hundreds of years beyond what was known currently in the lands of westeros. but what Thal Magulus did not expect however is that the volcano erupted into a massive explosion killing thousands of Valerians across hundreds of miles of the known world sinking a vast majority of the land underneath the sea taking with it all their technology, weapons, history & culture with it.mere fragments of their civilization survived ( some ancient texts, valerian steel swords, ancient manuscripts etc ) because not all valerians were at home when the destruction occurred and they passed on what knowledge they had with them to future generations in the hope that one day their descendants would once again rebuild valeria back to its ancient glory and the true seat of power upon this world. over time pieces of their history were lost for all time due to floods, fires, opposing armies looting and burning everything in sight once they conquered city after city in their quest for power absolute. today only the Targaryeans are the last surviving family that originated from valeria, dani being the very last member of the Targaryean family until its is revealed in season 8 of the current time frame of GOT that Jon Snow is actually Aegon Targaryean the last living male heir to the Targaryean family and the only true and rightful heir to the iron throne in Kings Landing..!!.. at one time the faceless men of Bravos were the hired assassins of the royal families of valeria with the ability to change their appearance using other peoples faces so that no one ever really knew a faceless man / assassin was close until they struck then they vanished as quickly as they had appeared leaving behind no trace at all of ever having been there in the first place. but in the end they grew tired of being other peoples pawns or involved in their twisted plots to usurp power in one way or another. so they withdrew to the city of Bravos where they still reside today passing on the knowledge of the faceless men to future generations. that is why the faceless men have always been heard to utter the phrase * thal magulus * it is not a blessing but in reality it is a curse which chills a mans soul to the bone whenever it is heard spoken by anyone from Bravos. a curse to remind them of what Thal Magulus did to old valeria when he reached just that little bit too far to retain power in a struggle for the * Blood throne * made from hundreds of human thigh bones shaped into swords all joined together in a macabre vision of death. a throne we saw copied hundreds of years later in Kings landing but made from melted swords and renamed the * iron throne * instead.!. many secrets will be revealed in the coming season 8 of GOT that neatly tie in all the loose ends from seasons 1 to 8 nicely some secrets we already have guessed at or have heard rumors of but the upcoming season 8 being only 6 episodes long with each episode almost totaling 2 hours apiece will see bloody retribution, season favorites being put to death in some extremely brutal ways, rebellion, battles on a mammoth scale involving Viscerion the ice dragon now ridden by the night king and danis other 2 dragons as well but ….. * MASSIVE SPOILER AHEAD YOU WERE WARNED .!. in the heat of one of the final battles covering the last 3 episodes of season 8 the LORD OF WINTERFELL will suddenly reappear leaving everyone in shock because he is supposed to be dead after having being beheaded in an earlier season( it was his double and here is a clue as to who replaced him >>>> … come dance with me, and we shall dance this dance together while you learn !. the night kings true identity is revealed to be none other than B… S… ( you know who i mean people as he shifted places with the night king hundreds of years in the past! >> SPOILER >>>>> one person spoke to B…S.. and said * if you stay too long in one place you will remain trapped there forever with no way of returning .. hint hint! And now for one of the biggest spoilers of them all >>>> a RED DRAGON OF IMMENSE SIZE will make an appearance in a pivotal and decisive battle at a very crucial point, a dragon that cannot be injured in any way, shape or form because it is sheathed completely in a coat of valerian steel armor bound together with the magic of the children of the forest!. who does this dragon belong to you ask? where has it come from? or for that matter how can there be a 4th dragon alive as all of them were supposedly destroyed when valeria vanished in a boiling flash of light when the caldera underneath the capitol city of valeria was destroyed hundreds of years ago? the answer is actually very simple >> the red dragons name is BLOOD MOON and is the last surviving FEMALE dragon from old valeria, it has slept underneath Winterfell all this time protecting the true last male heir to the Targaryean blood line plus another long held secret that only Ned Stark and a few trusted advisors of the Stark household knew about but kept secret all these years ( there is a second hidden chamber underneath winterfell that holds the last hope of the golden age of valeria ( dragon eggs, hundreds of them in fact ) all laid over the hundreds of years between the fall of old valeria and present day by the last female dragon blood moon. that is why even in the dead of winter the household of winterfell is always warm with heat coming from deep underground from an * unknown source ( the red dragon blood moon ). another major spoiler is this >>> lady Melissandre who is she really? shock upon shock as her true identity is finally revealed in one last battle for absolute power as she unleashes dark forces in a vain attempt to rule over all lands and all peoples, ** from dark blood shall come blood of death unending, from eternal fire shall come all consuming fire that shall erase all from its sight and the lord of light shall come forth from deep within the depths of the earth to rule over all lands & peoples and so shall it be along with his * daughter * as spoken in the book of prophecies from long ago.

  13. Think there is definitely a big secret in her past. But she mentions to Varis (sp?) after asking Danerys to meet with Jon Snow, that she is going to return home to Valeria but she will have to return (like him) to this place to die. More than one question there…. why does she have to die in a particular place, and why does Varis also? He looked pretty shocked at her response – those Red priestesses keep surprising him by knowing things about him, especially when he works so hard to keep his past a mystery. Can't wait to see what they do with this storyline.


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