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The SJ News team breaks down some of our favorite Game of Thrones fan theories in this Special Feature.

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  1. But Syrio is definitely Jaqen. He was put in prison, at which point he changed his face and volunteered for The Night's Watch and maintain his guardianship over Arya, whom he had come to love as a daughter whilst training.

  2. You guys also forget that Faceless Men hate Taygaryens and dragons, so them having Missandei as an agent at Dany's side could be part of a plot to ensure that she doesn't return to full power and to assassinate the dragons.

  3. About Bran, I believe he caused the Mad King go completly nuts like he was already unstable and then hearing "Burn them all" just drove him beyond any reason. There are things I like about Bran being the Night King but I'm not sure. I also enjoy the idea of him being the Red God not like being this all powerful entity but a misconception of he really is

  4. Theory that I would love regarding the Dragon having three heads is that the two dragons that are left had a baby and Jon and Daenarys have a baby and they would be the three that are the dragon riders.

  5. I love how Spencer hates Bran. I hate Bran, both in the books and in the series ahhaha (Isaac is ok though).
    Look, I love theories, specially when there has been years since the last book. But I think that overly complicated theories are what ultimately hurts the series, or at least, the experience of it. I mean, if you are expecting that Bran is the time traveling Mad King (or Night King, or both), or that Tyrion is a Targaryen, OR that Daario Naharis is actually Euron Greyjoy (yes that is a theory), then you are bound to be dissapointed, and therefore, critize the story for being "too predictable", when they actually do things that make sense! Yes, Game of Thrones has a lot of twist and turns, but the ultimate goal for Martin's story is to present characters with real personalities in a fantasy world. And a story with real people is going to be predictable at some point, 'cause real life isn't unpredictable all the time!! So, I hate crazy theories, specially the secret Targaryen Tyrion… ughhhh!!!

    (GUYS!! You are great pleaaase keep making videos about GOT or ASOIAF we need to survive a year and a half with no show and no book probably and we can only do this TOGETHER!!!! hahahaha)

  6. Definitely agree with Spencer that the Night King right now doesn't have a motive that we can see or care about when normally we feel for both sides. I very badly want to understand what the Night King is after and why he can see Bran when he wargs

  7. Dany's dead son was said to be scaly like a dragon right? So what if he was actually switched with a future dragon baby, i.e. Drogon and Rhaegal (Dany and Jon's dragons) have a baby and out hatches Rhaego for Jon and Dany to raise together. I would love that but honestly I think they're going to settle without kids and switch the 7K to democracy or something.

  8. How about Bran being the Lord of light? Most of what the Lord of Light does is give people visions, all Bran would need to do is learn how to show people through flames. Assuming he survives the long winter, he has the rest of his life to figure out how to set up events to unfold as they did.

  9. I think the Game of Thrones world is not the future, but rather the past, specifically the Pleistocene Epoch. Think about it, the Pleistocene was a period of intermittent ice ages, with the earth alternating between warm periods and cold periods. That would explain the 'winter is coming' idea, wherein temperate areas become frigid periodically. Of course, the timescale of the glacial maxima during the Pleistocene wasn't on the order of decades, but rather thousands of years. But perhaps it is the last gasps of the oscillating climate of Earth during that time, just before the Holocene.

  10. I love the Bran theory! I agree with Spencer he is so boring at this point that the only way to make him interesting and relevant again to the story is to have him be the night king. I like the idea of him trying to go back in time to either fix things or initially to gain information and made a split second decision to act causing long lasting repercussions. Maybe he has a piece of his conscientiousness trapped in the night king after warging into him, his body therefore has lost a piece of his conscientiousness which is why he is so aloof and unlike his old self. He is a fractured being. And the idea of him potentially effecting current events, after screwing up trying to change the future by effecting the past, to speed the process up of the end of his world essentially to begin a new one or new timeline is fascinating. It could also be interesting that Bran and the Night King are both propelling the story along to a conclusion while still having different desires for outcomes. If the Night King is still very much his own being but just has an additional fragment of Bran in the mix, he could be the one mainly desiring an end the the current world while Bran desires the end of the conflict to be the Night King dying. Which would be himself dying as well, their fates maybe intertwined at this point. Weirdly enough though i get the feeling that Bran could die and the Night King would still exist or live on but that If the Night King dies that Bran could not live on and would most likely die as well.

  11. GoT theory: when bran finally meets Jon again he uses the dagger to kill Jon. The murder framed on aria. Bran, brainwashed by the children starts to take over and dany flys away to the north. There she meets with the night king and we find out that the children of the Forrest are evil and then Dany and the night king have to fight the children of the Forrest

  12. what about the game of thrones comment theory? that gibberish in the comments has a chance to mean that john snow and bran and the nightking theory go
    nowhere like the sense put into this/many comment(s)

  13. On Bran = Night's King, here are a few interesting points:

    In the books, Bran's journey to meet Bloodraven is very similar in theme and general events to John Harker's journey to meet Dracula in Bram Stoker's novel. It's important to note that Harker's purpose is to work out the final details on a new home for Dracula. Once this work of acclimating Dracula is complete, Dracula leaves Harker to die at his castle. Expanding on this idea of a "new home", what if Bloodraven took Bran's body while Bran was in the "dream", stranding Bran's consciousness in a timeless void. Driven mad by what this would do to a mortal mind, Bran finds an "anchor" in a past ancestor who just so happens to be the Night's King. Although I don't think the show is going to be as elaborate, remember the "hold the door scene" with this idea in mind: Night's King invades the cave. Bloodraven and Bran are in "the dream". Bloodraven encourages Bran to warg into Hodor (in the past) to help his friends (in the present) which would mean Bran's consciousness exists in the dream/past/present simultaneously. Night's King personally comes to kill Bloodraven (the wights and other Wight Walkers do not take action, even though they are present), who turns to ash in the dream. Bran escapes still in a coma. After he's safe at Winterfell, he flat-out tells us that he's not Bran Stark anymore, but is the three-eyed raven.

    Second interesting point is the idea of time travel as it related to cold and ice. One of the theories about backwards time travel involves the use of Bose-Einstein condensates. To avoid getting too nerdy about it, let's just say this matter state is colder than cold can cold. It's possible that the wintery powers shown by the Others are a science-y by-product of backwards time-travel.

    Lastly, and this is just for fun, a lot of people ask why Night's King didn't kill the easy target: Dany and Drogon, instead hitting a different target. Well, we know from Season 1, Episode 1 that Bran is a terrible shot, as he shoots two arrows, neither of which hit the target.

  14. I like bran as the night king (not sure if I like more the version where he is stuck or the one that is on purpose) and the misadei one… it actually makes a lot of sense… I'm tired of the secret targaryen tyrion one so hope he's not

  15. Arya is definitely a time traveler who can't die, and Game of Thrones is a Doctor Who spin-off. In Doctor Who she is from a northern warrior clan, and later stops using her name and thereby becomes a girl with no name.

  16. "The Dragon Has Three Heads" is both prophetic and a sigil based hope. It's not different than the Starks finding 5 dire wolves, the very embodiment of their sigil. They didn't become invalidated Starks because they lost their direwolves.

  17. the Bran is the Nightking and Serio is Jaquin are my most plausible ones. The missandei theory is fun too, but idk if I buy it as much as the other two.

    The rest feel like fans forcing things to work just to clear plot holes or questions. Nah, don't believe them


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