WELCOME back for another Game of Thrones Season 8 Plot Outline video. Once again I was emailed another S8 Outline but this time it seems a little more legit than the previous one. Some of the things in this video do line up with how the series ended during the Season 7 finale but there are also some very CRAZY things in here as well. It’s hard to say how much of this will be true but it’s very interesting and entertaining to say the least. Hopefully you enjoy the video either way. It did take quite some time to edit it all. Thanks for watching. Let me know what you think!

Images from Game of Thrones are property of their creators, used here under fair use.

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Outro Song: Light of the Seven Remix



  1. some good points in here…but still im somehow sure Drogon will Kill Viserion, and maybe Rheagal cant die… and fire can kill Night king too 😉 Strange here that Bron isnt mentioned…and as Nicolay said in interwiev, they wont get any scripts in advance…on the set the will be told what to record and play….so im sure we will be surprised with last season 😉 but thanks for this…nice reading 😉

  2. at first dany intends to kill jaimie. she calls drogon, tyrion intervens and says you have to kill me first, then podriks intervenes, you have have to kill me first, then lady briene intervenes for pod, then sansa, then arya, then jon, then sam, then jorah. every one is fighting to get front position. a Q of 10 people is standing in front of dany to get killed by dragon fire, bran is rolling his wheels to join the Q. dany sighs to toher dothraki guards in dothraki "jajrasii" (hel him) ;-)))

  3. I am hoping that this is not the real plot. I'd like to think Jaime doesn't die in the end. However, by not showing his death that path is open and could be used in another show! I've always thought that Brandon might be the night king. Guess we will all have to wait and see!

  4. I could actually live with this outcome.  I knew it wouldn't have a happy ending, I have been paying attention.  Now if they make a sequel, how many years in the future will it be?  Will Lyanna become the queen and mount an expedition to hunt for dragon eggs?

  5. Fan fic. Why rescue Jaime? Why'd mellisandre return alone? I like the bran/nk/jon/lightbringer thing, and the bittersweet ending…but euron n jaime just vanish?! Nah.😥 too many holes in this plot….fun tho😉

  6. If this is how it goes down, it would be really interesting and heartbreaking. A lot of major character deaths. I like how Jon would have to sacrifice Bran, as he was the Night King. This makes sense. I think this is fairly legitimate.


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