A realism review of the battles and combat in the movie, Chronicles of Narnia, Prince Caspian, from a historical medieval perspective.

The Machicolations shirt:

Metatron’s armor rant:



  1. Couple of quick thoughts:
    * 16:05 I'm not an expert on metals, but isn't there a serious chance that ISN'T steel they're using for that chain? It's thick enough links that it seems like iron would be more than strong enough to do the job typically, and upgrading it to steel seems pointless. Perhaps a weaker metal mixed with that if it's an old rusty chain, perhaps it's not so much the cut doing the damage, as it is the force that focuses all the weight onto one point that causes it to snap. I mean it's pretty obvious these people think the castle is invincible, it doesn't seem too inconceivable that they got lazy and just didn't replace a bit of old, weak chain.

    * 28:10 The whole no helmet thing may be smarter than it looks at first glance. First of all lets be honest here – Peter is the weaker fighter, he's not as strong, he's too young to be considered at full strength compared to this other guy who's clearly a well-practiced and trained veteran – in a fight of endurance and smashing armour AND grappling like you mentioned – the King wins hands down. I propose Peter chose to go without the helmet to specifically bait the King (who he knows has far too much pride) into taking his own off. It's a mutual weak-point and I say that works in peters favour since the fight was leaning against him.

    * 39:21 It's hard to tell how bad that wound was. BUT if the initial cut hit muscle (which would probably have made the king fighting far, far worse at fighting which we didn't see, but you know – movies! It was after all a wound bad enough for him to want to retreat) no that shit fucking HURTS. It's not even a matter of adrenaline or anything like that – especially since they took a respite, it gave the King a chance to take in that wound – and so did his body, his brain is now fully aware of it – so pressure applied to it is going to bloody sting. It's honestly hard to tell if it'd be enough, but it's most certainly a plausibility.
    Even if it's not enough pain to incapacitate him – it may have simply made his leg go weak and since he's already tired and holding up armour, he knew he was going to collapse and let himself go down after that.

  2. I think one of the points I would argue in favor of the movie is that perhaps some of that wasn't meant to kill the soldiers, maybe it was meant to incapacitate them. I know it still doesn't fully add up, but it's something that maybe would make you feel better for things not physically making sense.

  3. Shad look @40:10, look at that gauntlet! The folded up fingers actually go behind the metal rim! That means his punch would of hurt a bit more than you thought since all the force was put into a thin metal rim, like brass knuckles almost

  4. @15:20 yes shad she threw an arrow into him, and legolas stabbed orcs with them before that. Hollywood has a fucking bow and arrow fetish and will do everything they can to exaggerate them in every way. Its a Big Arrow conspiracy i tell ya, keeping the Crossbow down, thats why Caspian didnt die because he was shot by a puny crossbow and not the all powerful bow.
    @16:00 see? crossbows are for bad guys. Bow and Arrows are noble and good.

  5. Peter's sword is explicitly the sword of the High King of Narnia, gifted to him by the local equivalents of deities. It survived many centuries in a cave without as much as a smudge of rust and show obvious magical properties throughout the movie series. Its an equivalent to Exalibur in a sense, so it cutting through armour in a similar manner to Valyrian steel, lightsaber or whatever is perhaps not at all strange.

  6. Shad, in defence of the soldiers who fought in the courtyard; the archers didn't get there until later in the fight right? So they basically stopped the good guys from flooding the castle past the courtyard. Charging the enemy headfirst, holding the line, and giving the bulk of the force enough time to take the high ground with the crossbows. Those men were heroes! XD

  7. Im reccomanding this because me and my friend actually got into an arguement about it, but what about "what medievak weapon would a vampire use"? Id say a rapier as it could be used quickly and accurately, using a vampires speed. But my friend says a zwiehander would be best as it would be light for a vampire and could be swung quicklh with great speedl

  8. I want to suggest a book series that I feel fans of shad, and even shad himself would love. It's called the Sword of Truth. First book is called Wizard's First Rule. I feel this book has a lot of the things that shad mentions other fantasies should do. It thoroughly explains magic for example. It also implies physics. Dragons exist in this universe so the author actually realizes that dragons wouldn't be able to fly and so explains that it is some sort of magic they posses that allows them to do so.


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