Submods have been released with new scenario start dates, throughout the history of a world of ice and fire. Join me as we try to replicate Nymeria and her husbands Mors Martells conquest of the Dornish kings.

Rhoynish wars submod-

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  1. The virgin Martell king
    – Lets his refugee mother train his kids
    -his kingdom was mostly given to him
    -doesn't want to upset his vassals by taking away lower kingdom titles
    -doesn't even pass his traits to his kids

    The chad Dryland Joust champion
    -ascended to nobility by marrying a noblewoman, but doesn't rule because he wants to win tournies
    -his skill at arms was learned
    -defeats his own king at tourney
    -fathers all over dorne want him to train their kids, the kids agree

  2. hey i have a problem with the submods, whenever i start a new game with a submod all characters becomes pirate kings/lords and i havent found a way too fix it. could realy need some help.

  3. it would be nice for more dornish houses to marry rhoynar. it seems that only the martells are rhoynish. try putting rhoynish people to rule the tor and marrying off dornishmen to rhoynar


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