Can we make a man out of Samwell Tarly, doing what Randyll never could. Only one way to find out……

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  1. Great. First my orchestra teacher and now my favorite YouTube gamer are fans of Mulan and therefore have to listen to them against my will. Try being forced to play that song for months at a time in an orchestra hall.

  2. I am working my way through your other play lists

    Takes me a long time, still on your Stannis from 4 yrs ago, think I am up to episode 7

    as for Tywin or Randyl? I say Tywin. He was a single father, didn't kill his dwarf son who killed his beloved wife and had the patience to teach Jaime to read when he had dyslexia while also gaining power
    Problem with Tywin is that he had high standards and none of his children could live up to those standards

  3. Randyl Tarly is the worse father because he never even give Samwel a chance to prove himself, Tywin at least gives Tyrion important missions and treat him as a Lannister even if he is the lowest of Lannisters 🙂
    Also you really should put on a childhood focus on Samwell now already to struggle 🙂

  4. I think Randyll is a better father than Tywin, because he gave Samwell the choice to die or go to the wall, instead Tywin would have been more likely to assassinate Tyrion.

  5. Hey NGP do you think the show runners D&D should’ve named Jon “Aemon” instead of Aegon? I feel like that’s a simple fix and it would’ve harked back to Maester Aemon who also didn’t want the crown and chose duty and the nights watch instead (which is a path similar to Jon’s)

  6. I'm not really sure I could call tywin a very bad farther(mind you I haven't read all the books yet) I wouldn't call him a good one but at the very least he tried to ensure the success of all of his children, even tyrian to an extent.

  7. Yes marry the bastard Targaryens girl in the driftmark she is attractive and Samwell is quick. Since Randall was loyal to the Targaryens he might want to get that bastard girl to his court or marry Samwell to Rhaenys it doesn't matter. As long as Samwell marries one of the two


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