Crypts of Winterfell – Part One Ironbound (Game of Thrones Theory)

People of the Realm today I discuss the crypts beneath the great castle of Winterfell and what secrets if any they hold. In part one we will discuss the fallen Starks and how both their bodies and souls are protected.

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Game of Thrones is an American fantasy drama television series created by showrunners David Benioff and D. B. Weiss. It is an adaptation of A Song of Ice and Fire, George R. R. Martin’s series of fantasy novels, the first of which is titled A Game of Thrones. It is filmed in a Belfast studio and on location elsewhere in Croatia, Iceland, Malta, Morocco, Northern Ireland, Spain, Scotland, and the United States, and premiered on HBO in the United States on April 17, 2011. The series has been renewed for a sixth season, which will premiere on April 24, 2016 or

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Johannes Bornlöf Mangled Sector 2

“Magic Forest” Kevin MacLeod (
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Please watch: “Jon Snow’s True Name Confirmed: Game of Thrones Season 7 Finale Revelation”




  1. i have a theory that bran can resurrect the dead. in adwd when bran has his visions of ned through the weirwood he calls his name ned hears obviously. Afterwards he tells bloodraven and Leaf about it and Leaf says he is dead and warns bran to not to call him. She seems genuinely concerned like this is a possiblity that he can be brought back.

  2. Listened to this earlier today, fantastic work. Thought about Hodor's sword and had a thought. If the sword bound a Stark to the crypt and was free to warg once gone, then could this spirit taken control of a wight? I know the show made Coldhands Benjen, but GRRM already dismissed this theory for the books. Thoughts? Am I way off on this or has it already been theorized?

  3. iron is good for soul binding, not so good at severing a soul from this world.

    "Bronze kills a soul, Iron binds, men's steel guards Only the finest steel made with fires too hot for the work bench of any but the most skilled soul can cleave both this world and the next."
    This is a phrase i was tought at a very young age as it is the custom of my father's family. It is an ancient saying passed to every generation. Old stories tell how my ancestors were once capable of some interesting things although it almost never ended well.

    A sword smith who married into the family is said to be the source of this knowledge and those that are born to our house sometimes still display an uncanny understanding of energy and the spiritual properties of physical things thoe it often fades after age 18 or 20 without regular training. It is said that what he brought to the blood was the ability to make a feeling into and object, to bind an intent into the physical world. My uncle became replica sword maker in his old age and the talent has never truly left my family thoe few have the land and funds to truly express it.

    Obsidian is said to be able to cut energy bindings, which could be why it kills Wight walkers who are made with energy (magic)

    I think it is old folk wisdoms like these that eventually get passed around and watered down that become the mythologies GRRM pulled from.

  4. Just subscribed. Was going to type this on part 2, but saw it isn't up yet. Regarding the Winterfell crypt theory. Iron swords came with the Andals, which may or may not coincide with the North stopping blood magic. If the North stopped blood magic, then the theory of kings warging into their sons would stop, maybe.

    Remember the crypts were filled from the bottom up, the wrong way. This means that there might be something at the bottom, because you fill from top to bottom. So if there is something important at the bottom, what would it be? Well, we have already been shown that greenseers like hanging out on weirwood roots, and there may be weirwood roots exposed at the bottom.

    Let's diverge quickly to last names; the North uses Andalese/Common Tongue for their last names, exception being Skaagos. Why? Maybe because sons hated the idea of being warged into. Like people from the early Middle Ages, your last name is descriptive like "Leif Erikson", take into account the letter "D" is right next to "S"on a keyboard (see Khal and Khan) and it becomes "Leif Erikdon" or Durran Durrandon or Bran Brandon.

    Going back to the weirwoods and crypts, as a Bran approached death, he would go down to the bottom of the crypts and get his 3-Eyed Raven on and transfer to the next Bran. One day the cycle got interrupted: maybe it was Bael and the Stark not having a male heir to warg into, don't know. If you're scared that even a dead person may warg into you, an iron sword on the grave would be extra assurance. Now that the proto-Starks and the rest of the North have stopped this, they need last names like the Andals. Being new to the language and a tough people, they picked short descriptive names, in Common Tongue and not that of the First Men.

    Then again, the iron swords could just be protection from the weirroots from entering each tomb.

  5. Could Bran raise his own army of Wights? All the past Lords of Winterfell? Now that would certainly be a reason why the Knights King went to such ridiculous extremes to kill a crippled boy who preferred to live in the past.

  6. I have watched your vid today and i like it a lot… Your theory about Iron swords is intriguing. I have tough about it, and I think that there can be some kind of tribute to JRR Tolkien… Perhaps Jon will somehow take off all the iron swords from the statues and he will have his own army of the dead? Just like Aragorn had it. In LOTR it's part of a bigger path of some ranger becoming true king. Perhaps Jon is going similar path? It would be interesting to see how undead(or animated corps without souls) fight's ghosts(souls without body). Moving on that path… Is it possible that Lightbringer is in fact an Iron sword? Everybody think it have to be valirian steel, but perhaps we all are wrong? And my final question is: Was there any VS sword in Westeros when this Azor ahai fought the great others? Sorry for really bad whritting, but it's not my native language.

  7. From what I understand the fence around cemeteries was originally to keep feral animals/pigs/dogs from rooting up dead bodies and later to keep vandals out. I never knew there was any special significance to the fact that the fence is usually made of iron.

  8. Great vid. As a theory, do you think it might be possible that the last sword may have been from the tomb of Lyanna? With the theory of no ancient trees being round the tower of Joy, could it potentially be Lyannas spirit being freed that allows Bran to see what happened at the tower? (Now that her body is home at Winterfell and the ancient trees surround Winterfell)

  9. As you mentioned in your vid, in many cultures iron is used to ward spirits, so that makes sense, to tie this into your other video, is it possible that the hooded man is one of the vengeful spirits?

  10. As an iron biogeochemist and Winterfell crypts/ASOIAF geek, I think you've got the beginnings of a very nerdy iron redox Magic-is-Chemistry-is-Magic science fiction plot brewing here. Some notes off the top of my head, iron rusts because something has harvested electric energy from the original elemental iron, and the remaining electron-burglarized iron atoms team up with hydroxyl radicals and become dust piles of rust. The water that donated the hydroxyls becomes more acidic with every atom of iron oxidized. Acidic crypt water might go on to unleash all kinds of hell. Maybe it controls spirits, maybe it's a type of holy water. Maybe the acid crypt water harbors colorful acidophilic extremophile bacteria and archaea who would use the Winterfell hot spring steam to make near surface subterranean hydrothermal vent communities like on the seafloor, or Yellowstone. Come to think of it, with salt being a preservative — saltpeter often used in crypts I think, if I'm remembering the Cask of Amontillado correctly — I dare say something springing forth from thousands of years' worth of rusted swords of the Kings of Winter would even be borne of salt and smoke. Very nerdy iron redox Magic-is-Chemistry-is-Magic Science Fiction, indeed.

  11. Great theory, it makes sense at least from a cultural point of view, in my culture we put iron scissors under the mattress of new born babies, to keep there souls of leaving and prevent there dead.

  12. Dude, where have you been!

    Great video as always! So what is the effect of a bunch of vengeful Stark spirits running around?

    BTW your emblem spinning around reminds me of the laughing man avatar from the ghost in the Shell TV series


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