Cult of Chucky is out on Blu-ray and DVD 23rd October.

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  1. I'm kind of surprised he didn't ask how it felt for Fiona to spoiler pretend to be her dad? I mean, that had to be weird. Every other horror villain has had other actors portray them, but Brad Dourif is the only Chucky, so it had to be strange for them to say, "Okay, Fiona, now you're going to be possessed, so channel your dad as Chucky."

  2. I would totally play a chucky video game. there are 3 horror franchises i enjoy watching, Alien, Scream, and Chucky. A Chucky video game would be so cool plus the whole escape the murderous killer games are popular now. basically make it like friday the 13th but way more creative as you are this tiny doll you can run around and hide but also have skins (id say the different versions of chucky plus the bride plus his kid) but every doll is in every level so you can hide in plain site as the doll and there is only a 1 in 4 chance of the players realising its a player doll and not a set doll. then have the kills be traps and improvised and each different kill has a one liner, oh and have a possession mode where you have to trap another player to posses them and win not just kill them. like you have to lure them into a voodoo trap and it can be hidden.

  3. As much as I do love Mr. Miller here,I think he missed a chance to ask whats her name…wtf happened to her character at the end of the film?? S-P-O-I-L-E-R ALERT….Chucky posses's her body and doesn't let go of her body,so…wtf happened to her character…really???

  4. This interview is better than the movie. Cult of Chucky is horrible. Low budget, bad writing and acting. All the money was used on one death. The whole Chucky surfed the net thing was so stupid

  5. Man if I was Fiona's father Brad I would totally hide in the house and when she and her friends walks into the room I would talk in Chucky's voice and totally try and scare the hell out of people.


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