Home News Cut Alicent Wedding Images and More

Cut Alicent Wedding Images and More


Image via HBO

Going off of its preview, the next House of the Dragon episode is taking you back into the thick of it, but are we prepared for the show’s most intense episode so far? Before the return of our Rogue Prince, and him once again lighting a fuse under his brother’s peace, the world of Westeros seems to have plenty of new developments. From Alicent’s cut wedding scene to Kit Harington praising the prequel show, here’s everything that went down in the realm of fire and ice over the last day.

Alicent and Viserys had a wedding that didn’t make it to the final cut, and there are pictures to prove it

Emily Carey as Lady Alicent Hightower in House of the Dragon
Ollie Upton/ HBO via Warner Media

It almost feels like House of the Dragon doesn’t want to spend too much time exploring Viserys and Alicent’s strange dynamic. The two barely spent enough time together before they were ready to get married, and the third episode basically skipped to its fruitful aftermath. Well, according to the latest update, the crew of the HBO series did actually film sequences depicting the royal wedding, but it ultimately got scrapped in the editing room. But there are pictures of Alicent in her wedding dress, for those of you curious to see what she would have looked like up there in front of the High Septon.

Jon Snow might know nothing, but Kit Harington recognizes a great TV show when he sees one

Game-of-Thrones-Beyond-the-Wall-Jon-Snow (1)
Image via HBO

With all of us so engrossed in House of the Dragon, we had almost forgotten that Kit Harington has brought together a team to develop a direct sequel to Game of Thrones. The show will unsurprisingly revolve around his own character, though not much else is known besides that. Harington himself recently appeared at the Toronto International Film Festival and praised House for its bold initiative. The King in the North’s mere presence sent the fandom into overdrive. Suffice it to say, everyone will be happy to see Jon Snow back when the time comes.

Where is all the sex? Fans can’t wait for ‘House’ to get hot and heavy

Image via HBO

Game of Thrones received notoriety due to its excessive use of sex scenes to push the plot forward. Back when the first three seasons were coming out, it almost felt as if every other scene was a sexually charged one, but with House of the Dragon, the show has taken a timid approach in that regard. The rather sex-less first few outings have caught the attention of the fandom as well, who are now clamoring for more intimate scenes just to get that extra sense of suspension, letting them believe they’re truly back in the grimdark world of the Seven Kingdoms.

Be careful what you wish for, because the preview for episode 4, not to mention other first impressions on the internet, seem to suggest that you’re going to get that and more. Much more.

And that’s about it for today. Tune in tomorrow as we take you on yet another round of updates involving George R.R. Martin’s fictional world and its live-action cinematic universe on HBO.


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