Daenerys, Drogon, Tyrion, Jorah, and daario vs Sons Of The Harpy ending scene in season 5 episode 9 of HBO’s Game Of Thrones

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  1. anyone ever noticed that Drogon is probably the main dragon because his colours are red and black, like the targaryen sigil, indicating he will most definitely play a role in daenerys' conquest of westeros. and he's bigger than the others like Balerion the blackdread, which rhymes with black red. just saying, they've played that part a lot with targaryen dragons it seems.

  2. This show tries to keep you guessing so it wouldn't surprise me if Daenerys becomes so unstable at some point that she has to be put down. She has already displayed overly violent tendencies on multiple occasions that she lamely tried to 'justify'.

  3. I can't wait to see the armors they will made for the dragons, provided they have enough sense to do it… Every dragon must be protected from arrows and spears. I told this to a friend and he said – probably game of thrones isn't like that and they won't need armors, but as I see it – it is  common sense. People have used armors on horses, why not a dragon – which is way more rare than a horse p

  4. This scene in the books are soooooo much better. Drogon is way bigger, and try to kill dany, but she in the book is so boss, that manage to get a wipe and master it like a lion. She is so much better in the book, not this slut boring jainden face vegetable that they show on tv

  5. this scene was epic, but one thing…. what were tyrion, jorah, and everyone else doing just standing there at the end, there were still enemies within the coliseum, if I were them, i'd be hauling ass right about now

  6. just enjoy this AMAZING epic scene and shut up already you all f ucking haters..you suddenly all became critics and search for details to analyze hahaha you are  beyond ridiculous.. kisses

  7. She needs to release her other dragons and have them snack on all the harpies.  Roast them to a crisp then snack on them. Or have them raw, whichever they are in the mood for.

  8. From the beginning of the series, Daenerys and drogon have been more closer to each other compared to other dragons but I personally think that other dragons should be closer to their mothers. Daenerys always love drogon most. She always exclude other dragons…

  9. Favorite characters before this episode
    1. Tyrion
    2. Jaime
    3. Jon
    4. Stannis
    5. Sam

    Favorite characters after this episode
    1. Drogon
    2. Tyrion
    3. Jaime
    4. Jon
    5. Sam

    (Honorable mention for Tyene Sand's rack)

  10. I hate how GOT has made dany supernatural instead of actually ever facing the consequences of her actions? Dany was only immune to fire because she burned the maegi. If targaryens were all immune to fire, the dance of dragons wouldn't have killed so many of them. Drogon only came back in the books thematically as a sort of culmination to her final rejection of her false identity – "dragons don't plant trees". Not because she can call him with magic – wtf? In the show she's just special because of her bloodline… just like her father. Impressive d+d messed the story up so bad.


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