Lets discuss the legendary prophecy from none other than Mirri Maz Durr! I have broken down this theory and convinced myself that Daenerys CAN conceive a child because the events in Mirri’s prophecy have come to fruition in Season 7! Allow me to convince you as well, also FILMING NEWS is discussed as well 🙂


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  1. she can still have a baby simply because it's pretty damn hard to hurt a vagina I've tried and about all you can do is flip a uterus and make them a little sore haha

  2. Okay so I believe the show actually showed you how the sun set in the east and Rose in the West. In the beginning of season 6 when Jon Snow was resurrected, if you watch the opening scene John's corpse is in the east and they moved him to the West when he came back to life so to me that's the Sun setting in the East rising in the west. Does that make any sense?

  3. I think the theory about the witch's curse is really interesting, but I don't think that she meant it literally. She's a witch, witches speak in riddles. I think that she said it to emphasise how impossible it would be for her to have Drogo back. But I do think that she is already get pregnant with Jon's baby.

  4. Yeap..I agree with you..She will have that child and that child will be born alive and well..The end will be like the Summerhall Tragedy somehow..In this tragedy they die all because that Aegon/egg tries to hatch 7 Dragon Eggs and makes it all shit..but during this tragedy Rhaella gives birth to Rhaegar …I think with Danny will happen the same..Winterfell or KL [when she will is]will destroyed like Summerhall ,almost all they will die[Jaime,Cercei,Euron,Sansa,Tyrion,the NK and etc..for Jon .. who knows]and she during this tragedy will give birth to this child..to the PTWP aka also Stallion will mount the world..and will survive at birth as her mom did..This will be a fitting bittersweet ending for the show[the books idk]..all die..but mom and baby survive[and dad perhaps] during this catastrophe and becomes the symbols of hope/future/spring ..in after Westeros completely destroyed.

  5. I'm upset, 7 seasons dany been thru hell & back. Only for her 2 die giving fucking birth smh. I think that's just fucked up & straight bullsh*t especially for a female character. I don't even get the point of having her character on the show 4 this


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