We’ve been waiting for Daenerys Targaryen to arrive in Westeros for six seasons — she’s spent years promising it, and tonight, on the premiere episode of Game of Thrones season 7, she finally made it.

The internet has published the video online. Check it out below.

They certainly took their sweet time with this scene, didn’t they? It was long and drawn out, with no dialogue but for Dany’s final line. God, it must have been murder on Tyrion to keep his mouth shut that whole time. Even Grey Worm looked like he wanted to speak up, or at least move in a less-than-reverent manner, and probably would have had Missandei not held him back.

Of course, when fans have been waiting this long for Dany to finally get herself to Westeros, it’s probably worth it to take a moment and let it sink in. I particularly enjoyed her bending over to run the sand through her fingers.

But now that’s over. Time to get down to the business of invading the hell out of Westeros. Welcome back, Game of Thrones. We missed you.



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