Game of Thrones (S05E05) – Kill the Boy
With English subtitles



  1. It is fucked up that Daenerys gets hate for executing a guilty slaver , who killed and abused innocent children, while people celebrate Stannis for everything he did and just overlook that he was totally ruthless, clinical and cruel. Even though he burned a bunch of innocent people for a little power, including several of his family members, he is/was celebrated as a great potential ruler and Daenerys is mad, because hqgwifbfpapjqc . He burned his fucking daughter , an innocent child, because he thought it would get him more power.
    Oh yeah, but of course Daenerys is evil, if she lets her husband kill her megalomaniacal psycho brother who kept abusing her and would've gladly had her raped by countless men for his own purpose.
    Makes sense. Not !
    How fucking deluded can people be?

  2. You are a fucking saint Daeny. First you kill people that you yourself admit may have been innocent, then you have one of the same men who stayed loyal to your selfish idiot of a brother and POS father killed in an unneecesarily cruel manner, not to mention his son. I wonder, why did she even have to lock her children if she lets them do the exact same thing she supposedly can't allow them to do, only stopping cause she doesn't want them to get fat? Was there even a point to the little girl's death, given that once her father is gone, no one cares about her again – not Missandei, nor Grey Worm, and especially not Daenerys? Also, 2:26 – a direct proof by herself that they do listen to her when it comes to food, i.e. she could have trained them successfully even at that age not to eat kids if she tried, but since it's easier to chain them to make it pretend like she cares…

  3. First of all wht she did was reasonable.

    1) she saw her friend Sir Barriston killed by the sons of the harpy.

    2) the logical suspects of the sons of the harpys at that moment of time are the former masters.

    3) she didn’t burn them out of madness and pleasure, she burned them to scare them to answer. A common tactic of interrogation.

    4) even if u think they’re innocent, asking them “are u innocent” won’t work as they would lie.

    Bam! Problem solved!

  4. GRR Martin is brilliant for giving us one of the most beloved villains of all time with about 95% of people not realizing that Daenerys is a completely irredeemable baddie.
    Feeding people to dragons is a villain thing, not something anyone with a moral fiber in their being would ever do. Ned Stark would never terrify someone before killing them. He'd just up and execute as cleanly as possible.

  5. I like how people are calling Dany evil even though she just lost ser Barristan, one of her closest friends. It makes sense she would do something like this. Sometimes grief can be our greatest enemy.

  6. I miss daario….wasn't she also in love with daario once upon a time which is why tyrion made her leave him back so he is not a liability and now she fell for jon snow. what crap….listen to tyrion once. That's why tyrion had that weird expression on his face when jon and danerys were together in that ship cabin….he was not jealous he was worried and sure this is the end of Danerys.


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